Author Topic: Secrets of the orbit of the moon  (Read 3425 times)

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Offline Fermer05

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Secrets of the orbit of the moon
« on: February 29, 2020, 05:33:24 PM »
The Coriolis effect occurs when an object approaches or moves away from the axis of the Earth.
At the same time, when an object that moves on the Earth approaches or moves away from the axis of the Sun, the Coriolis solar force arises.
Coriolis's deflecting solar power, due to the axial and orbital rotation of the Earth, is much more complicated.
The course of the Volga River is constantly pressed against the west bank by the Coriolis force of the Earth.
And the solar Coriolis effect, due to the axial and orbital rotation of the Earth, presses the Volga River, then to the west bank, then to the east twice a day.
For this reason, winding currents form in the seas and oceans.
That said, you can easily check if you rotate the globe around the axis and in orbit. Entwined along the equator and meridian with a plastic hose in which fluid moves.

The solar Coriolis effect is involved in the formation of the ellipse of the moon.
When the Moon in the fourth phase approaches the Sun at a speed of 1 km / s, and in the second phase it moves away from the Sun, the Coriolis solar force stretches the Moon’s orbit along the Earth’s orbit, which forms an ellipse.
When the moon is in the phase of the new moon and full moon, the solar Coriolis effect does not affect the orbit of the moon, because in these phases, the Moon does not approach or move away from the Sun.
The lunar ellipse can be mathematically expressed (but not calculated) using the following formula:
E = Vz • Vr
Where Vz - Orbital velocity of the Earth.
Vr - the speed of approach or removal of the moon from the sun.

From the above we can conclude that:
1) The Moon’s orbit is always stretched along the Earth’s orbit and does not rotate counterclockwise, making one revolution in 8.8 years.
2) The earth is in the center of the ellipse of the moon, and not to the side, can this be easily verified?
a) By measuring the time of the movement of the moon, from the new moon to the full moon, and from the full moon to the new moon, this time should be equal.
b) It is believed that at perihelion, the Moon is at 50 thousand km. closer to Earth than aphelion, why this huge difference is not visually observed.
c) What force does not give the barycenter of the Earth and the Moon is in the center of the orbit of the Moon.
d) Determining the distance from the Earth to the Moon is rather difficult, because the barycenter also moves along a small ellipse.

A new theory of record super moon.

As we know, the length of the lunar ellipse depends on the orbital velocity of the Earth.
In winter, closer to perihelion, the Earth’s orbital speed increases, which increases the length of the lunar ellipse. At the same time, the height of the lunar ellipse decreases accordingly, due to which, in the phase of the new moon and full moon, the moon becomes closer to the Earth.
By the new year, when the Earth enters the perihelion phase, the Earth’s orbital velocity increases. In the new moon phase, the Earth’s orbital velocity also rises.
During the coincidence of the perihelion of the Earth and the new moon, the orbital velocity of the Earth reaches its maximum value, due to which a record super moon is formed, the frequency of earthquakes, the height of the tides and waves of killers increases.

Criticism of the old theory of record super moon.
Super moon is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the full moon or new moon coincides with perigee, as a result of the rotation of the moon's orbit.
Questions arise:
1. Why the rotation of the Moon’s orbit is called the apse precession, and not just, the rotation of the Moon’s orbit.
2. What force rotates the orbit of the moon.
3. Why, in the summer a record super moon does not form, as in winter.
4. At perigee, the moon is in the fourth quarter and forms a crescent.
5. If the moon’s orbit extends perpendicular to the Earth’s orbit, then in the full moon phase we will see the super moon, and in the new moon, we will see the micro moon.

English Wikipedia skeptically describes the theory of the super moon.
Calendar of record super moons.
December 3, 2017, Sunday
January 2, 2018, Tuesday
January 21, 2019, Monday
February 19, 2019, Tuesday
Continuation: Forums of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 11:56:20 AM by Fermer05 »
The more complex and confusing the hypothesis, the more difficult it is to refute it.

Offline DaleReid

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Re: Secrets of the orbit of the moon
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2020, 09:32:10 PM »
Well, I'm not sure if you are serious or not, but in some of the questions, there is no simple answer since source of illumination of the moon varies with earth/moon orbit around the sun.

As to e: the Super Moon phenomenon (or media craze) shows that it IS visible, so the question's assertion that there is no visible difference is wrong.

Offline Fermer05

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Re: Secrets of the orbit of the moon
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2020, 05:53:01 AM »
Quote: "When is the next record super moon.
December 3, 2017, Sunday
January 2, 2018, Tuesday
January 21, 2019, Monday
February 19, 2019, Tuesday
The largest record super moon is formed in winter.
In winter, the earth comes closer to the sun and during the record super moon the sun draws the moon more strongly to the earth with its gravitational force. Therefore, the winter record super moon is visually larger than the summer. "
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 06:32:36 AM by Fermer05 »
The more complex and confusing the hypothesis, the more difficult it is to refute it.

