Author Topic: The mechanism of formation of rogue waves  (Read 3841 times)

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Offline Fermer05

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The mechanism of formation of rogue waves
« on: November 29, 2019, 05:30:24 PM »
A huge number of tidal waves move in the seas and oceans.
When tidal waves collide with the coastline of the continents, tides are formed.
When two tidal waves collide in the open ocean, a killer wave forms.
The magnitude of the killer waves can be calculated using the following formula: H = T1 • T2.
Where T is the kinetic energy of the tidal wave.
Experiment to the topic: The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - killer waves
As we see, killer waves are formed only in those seas where tidal waves are formed and the higher the amplitude of the tides, the higher the killer waves.
In seas where tides do not form, killer waves do not occur.
List of seas where tides and killer waves are formed, more than 50 cm high:
Irish Sea, North Sea, Barents Sea, Baffin Sea, White Sea, West Mediterranean, Bering Sea, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Arabian Sea, Sargas Sea, Hudson Bay, Maine Bay, Alaska Bay, etc.
List of seas where tides and killer waves are formed, less than 50 cm high:
Baltic Sea, Greenland Sea, Black Sea, Sea of ​​Azov, Chukchi Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Red Sea, Sea of ​​Marmara, Caribbean Sea, Sea of ​​Japan, Gulf of Mexico, etc.
In the season of abnormally high tides, abnormally high killer waves form.
The highest tides and killer waves are formed in the North Atlantic, in the Pacific Ocean in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, etc.

You can conduct a simple experiment if two stones are simultaneously thrown into a bath of water. (the distance between the stones is 10 - 15 cm).
When a tidal wave collides, the emerging killer wave foams and a larger wave pulls through a smaller wave somewhat.
You can create a killer wave with a height of 0.3 meters and a duration of 0.5 seconds, if two divers at the same time jump "bomb" into the pond from a height of 2 meters. (distance between jumping 3 meters).
If, in a cup with water, hit simultaneously with two tablespoons and a "killer wave" is formed there.
The mechanism of formation of the tidal hump in the river, and killer waves in the oceans is similar and the height of the tidal hump in the river depends on the kinetic energy of the current in the river, and the kinetic energy of the tidal wave.

Tidal waves move in the open ocean in different directions, at speeds up to 100 km / h, they are also called solitons or Rossby waves.
Barely visible tidal waves colliding with storm waves create a killer wave and are the main cause of the wreck of ships.
The map shows the areas of the most frequent occurrence of killer waves.
In the North Atlantic, killer waves form mainly around the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary cycle as a result of the collision of tidal waves with storm waves (three sisters).
Suloy is a throw of water on the surface of the sea.

The hypothesis that the superposition of wind waves can be the cause of the formation of rogue waves does not stand up to criticism, since rogue waves are also formed during a calm period. (Wind waves do not form a tidal wave).
The statement that methane floating from the bottom of the ocean sharply reduces the density of water and the vessel loses buoyancy is also not true, since a decrease in the density of water cannot cause mechanical damage to ships and oil platforms.
The crews of the ships always record the impact of a huge wave, but no one has yet been able to record the methane emission.

In the North Sea, off the coast of Norway, on the Dropner oil platform on January 1, 1995, during a 12-meter storm wave, a killer wave of 25.6 meters was formed.
I believe the reason for this natural phenomenon is a tidal current that moves along the coast of Norway from west to east, reflecting a tidal wave from itself, both towards the coast and towards the open sea.
Also, north of the Dropner oil platform through the Pentland Firth Strait, a current moves at a speed of 16 knots from west to east, reflecting a tidal wave north and south.
In the North Sea, only storm and tidal waves move.
And only, the interaction of tidal and storm waves can be the cause of the formation of killer waves.

Continuation: "The mechanism of thermoregulation of the Earth."
Forum Akademgorodok Novosibirsk. The science.
Forum of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky.
The opening was published in the Russian-German peer-reviewed journal “Eastern European Scientific Journal” No. 3/2015. Page 64. June
Scientific journal NBIKS-Nauka.Tehnologii No. 4/2018. Page 104.
(Nanotechnological Society of Russia).
French Maritime Forum.
Continuation: English forum. "Weather/Earth sciences"
« Last Edit: April 23, 2022, 05:46:46 AM by Fermer05 »
The more complex and confusing the hypothesis, the more difficult it is to refute it.

Offline Fermer05

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Re: The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is killer wave
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2020, 05:04:19 PM »
In the North Sea, off the coast of Norway, on the Dropner oil platform on January 1, 1995, during a 12-meter storm wave, a killer wave of 25.6 meters was formed.
I believe the reason for this natural phenomenon is a tidal current that moves along the coast of Norway from west to east, reflecting a tidal wave from itself, both towards the coast and towards the open sea.
Also, north of the Dropner oil platform through the Pentland Firth Strait, a current moves at a speed of 16 knots from west to east, reflecting a tidal wave north and south.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 06:13:18 AM by Fermer05 »
The more complex and confusing the hypothesis, the more difficult it is to refute it.

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Re: The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is killer wave
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2020, 09:25:04 AM »
Honestly, you don't really believe all of that, do you?  We all know it's the aliens making things disappear there...  ;)

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Offline Fermer05

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Re: The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is killer wave
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2020, 07:09:55 AM »
In the North Sea, only storm and tidal waves move.
And only, the interaction of tidal and storm waves can be the cause of the formation of killer waves.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2020, 12:24:53 PM by Fermer05 »
The more complex and confusing the hypothesis, the more difficult it is to refute it.