Author Topic: Nominations for Spring 2017 Featured Weather Website now open  (Read 11744 times)

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Offline saratogaWX

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It's time to start the search for the Featured Weather Website for Spring, 2017, so please post your nominations (with a short description about your nominee) in this thread.

Gary's guidance
Please list your nominations in this thread - it certainly can't hurt for you to describe why you think your nomination is deserving of this honor.

Don't forget that it is perfectly OK to nominate someone who has been nominated in the past but was not selected! We've had some very deserving nominees, and close runoffs!

Some criteria to consider when making nominations:

The visual attractiveness of the site
Ease of navigation
Quality and quantity of useful or interesting information
Educational value

While not a hard and fast rule, sites that only use the unmodified default web page template that comes with the software, while absolutely useful and functional, may not cross into that next level to warrant featuring in this manner. Please try to address these areas while nominating a site.

We'll run the nominations through Monday, May 22, 2017, then start a new thread for polling on Tuesday, May 23, 2017. The polling will run through Tuesday, May 29, 2017
Let the nominations begin! 

Be sure to include the URL to the nominated website in your post, and remember that this is not the voting..just the nomination, so no +1 posts are needed.. just one post per site nominated please.

Best regards,
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline PaulMy

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I proudly nominate GregJ and his Skunk Bay Weather Hansville, Washington site

The site has detailed local weather conditions along with forecast, warnings and other related information.  There is an ongoing Blog and the most beautiful images and time lapse videos of his view of Skunk Bay.  GregJ takes a lot of time to view and edit his videos to make them easy to view and pointing out spectacular night time objects.  GregJ has received both local and national recognition for his image and video displays.  There is even a clothing line bearing the Skunk Bay Weather logo...

I think the site meets each of these criteria:

The visual attractiveness of the site
Ease of navigation
Quality and quantity of useful or interesting information
Educational value


Offline saratogaWX

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Ummm... only one nomination??

I'm going to keep the nomination thread open for another week.. we'll need at least 3 sites to make it reasonable for a poll.

For the 19 folks who'd responded in the poll that they'd like to restart the Featured Website process, this is an inauspicious beginning :(

Let's have some more nominees...
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline Jáchym

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Ken I think the problem is that the competition is just like a normal post/thread so it is very quickly gone from the forum homepage and the list of recent posts. It would be ideal if it was possible to place a link or some kind of an announcement somewhere on the forum homepage.

Offline Bashy

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I think it should probably be done in 2 parts,

1st part, people can put forward their site or other weather site for nomination in the nomination thread

The second part, 

As people will have something to go and look at and be able to make a choice from the selection then they can
add and choose their nomination by a poll thats been setup

As it stands at the moment i don't go wandering around everybody's site so i dont have a clue about any site that i could nominate

I would say start again with my 1st suggestion and see where it goes from there....

And as Jachym says, it needs to be a prominent post

Ignore me.....  :oops: :roll:
« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 12:55:02 PM by Bashy »
Kind regards

Offline Jáchym

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Bashy, but this is exactly how it works now already.

First round is nominations, second part is voting for them. This thread was the first part - nominations. But there was only one so it could not go any further because there would be no point in choosing from just one candidate.

Offline Bashy

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Oh, oh dear, something is amiss then, perhaps folks are interested after all, perhaps many are like me then and do t want to put their sites forward ad don't visit other wx  sites :/
Kind regards

Offline Jáchym

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Yes, but if no-one nominates anything then we will never get to stage 2 :D

Offline PaulMy

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There were 2 nominations but one seems to have dropped off... and likely near 400 page views!


Offline gateway2capecod

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looks like I am late on this thread but if no one wants the Award....I will gladly take

vote for


Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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looks like I am late on this thread but if no one wants the Award....I will gladly take

vote for

might if your NOAA Weather Radio stream was valid....

Offline saratogaWX

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There's clearly not widespread interest in reviving this old tradition at this time .. the nomination thread languished with only one nominee after the week of being open, so...

I think I'll just close this topic for now and not conduct another nomination cycle until interest really picks up.
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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