It's time to start the search for the Featured Weather Website for Spring, 2017, so please post your nominations (
with a short description about your nominee) in this thread.
Gary's guidance
Please list your nominations in this thread - it certainly can't hurt for you to describe why you think your nomination is deserving of this honor.
Don't forget that it is perfectly OK to nominate someone who has been nominated in the past but was not selected! We've had some very deserving nominees, and close runoffs!
Some criteria to consider when making nominations:
The visual attractiveness of the site
Ease of navigation
Quality and quantity of useful or interesting information
Educational value
While not a hard and fast rule, sites that only use the unmodified default web page template that comes with the software, while absolutely useful and functional, may not cross into that next level to warrant featuring in this manner. Please try to address these areas while nominating a site.
We'll run the nominations through Monday, May 22, 2017, then start a new thread for polling on Tuesday, May 23, 2017. The polling will run through Tuesday, May 29, 2017
Let the nominations begin!
Be sure to include the
URL to the nominated website in your post, and remember that
this is not the voting..just the nomination, so no +1 posts are needed.. just one post per site nominated please.
Best regards,