Author Topic: NOAA WEATHER RADIO  (Read 170539 times)

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Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #750 on: November 03, 2017, 05:29:13 PM »
You may remember some of my experiences when we first got BT going,... the only 'sweet spot' I found for H loops around my residence was dead center of the Garage door, about 4 feet above floor. in a volume cube about 4 feet on a side.... minimum noise.  Any other location worse. Go figure. High Tension lines north of me about 400', residence power lines behind me about 200 feet, truck axle factory over the hill about ½ km.... No problems with E field... it's all strong magnetic components, except the one tiny horizontally polarized E glitxh that kept getting into H field --- that was eliminated only by the "Pesky Box" innovation.
Now, having learned to work around them, two neighbors have installed 'smart electric meters'.. one of 'em is 'on demand' control, and they drive BT crazy.
Now, none of these mess with my NOAA radios, but sure did cut down my 'effective' range and performance of both my BT stations, RED 689 and BLUE 1439.

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #751 on: November 05, 2017, 09:01:57 AM »
So... Doug's adding another tool behind the scenes, for now... 'is the stream active and accesible' .. 'what's its online history for availability?   :twisted:
There will be some testing on site today, Nov 5,  (and possibly this week at times) so you might see some 'variations' in the station listings, both on the site,
and on any of the Saratoga NOAA Wx RADIO templates you run on your site,

These are situations that the monitoring utilities we've listed at
could minimize, if you can install them and set them up.

Now, discussion is continuing on whether to make some, all, of these (see attached for  some of the others). Discussion is also continuing regarding what degree of 'automation' for quality, availability updates on the site, as we continue to 'refine', 'fine-tune' etc.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 09:05:11 AM by Cutty Sark Sailor »

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #752 on: November 16, 2017, 09:07:45 AM »
Updated the 'History' section of the  "about us' page to reflect recent developments on the site...

Offline spweather

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« Reply #753 on: December 08, 2017, 11:33:58 AM »
OK you have gone to far!

Your making the decision to disable my radio stream, especially when it affects my own website/webpage is unacceptable.

Granted I have gone an unknown period of time not noticing my radio had gotten hung-up. I don't believe it is up to you to remove my stream from my own website. Without any notice. And now that I have corrected the problem it is still not available.

I will no longer be participating in this project.

Please remove any and all reference to my weather station/radio stream from this project.


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Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #754 on: December 08, 2017, 11:55:40 AM »
OK you have gone to far!

Your making the decision to disable my radio stream, especially when it affects my own website/webpage is unacceptable.

Granted I have gone an unknown period of time not noticing my radio had gotten hung-up. I don't believe it is up to you to remove my stream from my own website. Without any notice. And now that I have corrected the problem it is still not available.

I will no longer be participating in this project.

Please remove any and all reference to my weather station/radio stream from this project.

Gee, I'm sorry you feel that way.  Don't worry, we'll delist it just as soon as I can get to the master...
First, we promised NOAA when they ok'd us, we'd try for good availability, and monitor it,.  However we cannot monitor 24/7 and are sometimes a bit slow updating.  Believe me, there's some stuff going on behind the scenes to improve that.
Second.  There is a form on the website, freely available to all, for 'contact' Update' Help' Queries, etc which is DESIGNED to ease such issues as yours.. the whole team receives such comments. and generally acts quite quickly,.

Staying silent, not usinge the tools provided, etc is NOT our fault.  We do not assume responsibility for your neglect.
Additionally, we have posted tools a provider can use to monitor his own feed. Up to providers to avail themselves.

Sorry to see you go.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 12:02:11 PM by Cutty Sark Sailor »

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #755 on: December 08, 2017, 12:02:58 PM »
OK you have gone to far!

Your making the decision to disable my radio stream, especially when it affects my own website/webpage is unacceptable.

Granted I have gone an unknown period of time not noticing my radio had gotten hung-up. I don't believe it is up to you to remove my stream from my own website. Without any notice. And now that I have corrected the problem it is still not available.

I will no longer be participating in this project.

Please remove any and all reference to my weather station/radio stream from this project.

Gee, I'm sorry you feel that way.  Don't worry, we'll delist it just as soon as I can get to the master...
First, we promised NOAA when they ok'd us, we'd try for good availability, and monitor it,.  However we cannot monitor 24/7 and are sometimes a bit slow updating.  Believe me, there's some stuff going on behind the scenes to improve that.
Second.  There is a form on the website, freely available to all, for 'contact' Update' Help' Queries, etc which is DESIGNED to ease such issues as yours.. the whole team receives such comments. and generally acts quite quickly,.

Staying silent, not usinge the tools provided, etc is NOT our fault.  We do not assume responsibility for your neglect.
Additionally, we have posted tools a provider can use to monitor his own feed. Up to providers to avail themselves.

Sorry to see you go.

You have been de listed as requested.

Offline kray1000

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« Reply #756 on: December 08, 2017, 06:32:02 PM »
OK you have gone to far!

Your making the decision to disable my radio stream, especially when it affects my own website/webpage is unacceptable.

Granted I have gone an unknown period of time not noticing my radio had gotten hung-up. I don't believe it is up to you to remove my stream from my own website. Without any notice. And now that I have corrected the problem it is still not available.

I will no longer be participating in this project.

Please remove any and all reference to my weather station/radio stream from this project.


I can empathize with your plight.  I likewise saw today that my stream had been disabled by "admin" as well, which I found surprising given that my feed was among the clearest on their site and for most of the previous 9 years on Weather Underground before that.

If you're looking for a place that doesn't shoot first and ask questions later, will gladly accept your stream as-is.  It's also free and setup is relatively painless.  I am impressed with the responsiveness of their server so far, and you can see at a glance on their Weather Radio page how many people are listening to your feed.

Here is what my feed sounds like on the weatherUSA site:

Best regards,

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #757 on: December 08, 2017, 07:32:34 PM »
Your stream was coded DA because of consistent HUM, erratic volume levels, and erratic availability... I personally have 'DA'd your stream several times, and re-activated it several times... I cannot speak for the other monitors... your stream just wasn't there, or had no audio, etc.... and we NEVER disable a stream on one failed connection, or issue... we look at history, in most cases... If the QUALITY is really lousy we may throw a DA on it on one check, however...  DA was used to alert providers to check their stream, and means any disable is expected to be temporary.. NA means we don't know.   All this is explained on the site.

No communication was ever received from you questioning this... in either of the above two situations.

We can't help or correct if we're not aware. We do goof, and we do catch some goofs.. but the responsibility is still left with a provider.
I expect you went NA today because when it was audited on the server you had discontinued your feed and changed the url to the other provider.
No connection to audio URL, or no audio, or very poor quality may generate an NA or DA, especially if a station has a record of intermittency. That Simple.

As explained above, we have already had procedures in place, which many operators use, to notify us if there's some question, or problem.  If you don't choose to avail yourself of them, notify us when we have 'goofed'... so be it, their choice....

I don't know of any other way to say it... this site is monitored by a team, it's all volunteers,  it's Non- commercial, and we do look out for you, as well as the quality and reliability of the stream you provide, if you give us a chance... but that's your choice...  We've listed utilities for you to monitor your own stream, and are about to deploy automatic checks to help with that on the site... when a station is 'out of the parameters', you'd have had a chance to receive an 'email' notification, etc.. and repair any issue, or enable us to correct OUR errors...

When operational, the system will be checking for connections to streams hourly, Quality analysis run daily and daily logs available to providers who sign well offering a provider a 'real time' check of their stream quality, against certain arbitrary parameters,  and are interested in something beyond 'set and forget' but want to maintain reliability and quality. We realize that does not include everybody.

Sorry if many of you choose to take another route.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 07:49:51 PM by Cutty Sark Sailor »

Offline saratogaWX

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« Reply #758 on: December 08, 2017, 07:44:52 PM »
I just want to say a couple of things.  The site (and the stream site) were founded by several of the weather enthusiasts who were appalled when Wunderground discontinued their 'home' for NOAA Weather Radio Streams.  We thought that a group of volunteers could make a new site to care for the feeds and continue to provide a service to weather enthusiasts worldwide.  Thanks to the largess of Crushed Box Software for hosting a stream server, we had a destination for streams.  Thanks to the efforts of the volunteers, we've got a functional service that is monitored (as never was by Wunderground), and it is non-commercial.  A lot of behind-the-scenes work has been done to automate quality checking/reporting features where none exist on other streaming destinations.

In summary: volunteer staffed, non-commercial, and really caring about offering the best quality streams., broadcastify, etc: commercial ventures and little/no quality checking

My 2cents...
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline kray1000

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« Reply #759 on: December 08, 2017, 08:23:26 PM »
Your stream was coded DA because of consistent HUM, erratic volume levels, and erratic availability... I personally have 'DA'd your stream several times, and re-activated it several times... I cannot speak for the other monitors... your stream just wasn't there, or had no audio, etc.... and we NEVER disable a stream on one failed connection, or issue... we look at history, in most cases... If the QUALITY is really lousy we may throw a DA on it on one check, however...  DA was used to alert providers to check their stream, and means any disable is expected to be temporary.. NA means we don't know.   All this is explained on the site.

No communication was ever received from you questioning this... in either of the above two situations.

We can't help or correct if we're not aware. We do goof, and we do catch some goofs.. but the responsibility is still left with a provider.
I expect you went NA today because when it was audited on the server you had discontinued your feed and changed the url to the other provider.
No connection to audio URL, or no audio, or very poor quality may generate an NA or DA, especially if a station has a record of intermittency. That Simple.

As explained above, we have already had procedures in place, which many operators use, to notify us if there's some question, or problem.  If you don't choose to avail yourself of them, notify us when we have 'goofed'... so be it, their choice....

I don't know of any other way to say it... this site is monitored by a team, it's all volunteers,  it's Non- commercial, and we do look out for you, as well as the quality and reliability of the stream you provide, if you give us a chance... but that's your choice...  We've listed utilities for you to monitor your own stream, and are about to deploy automatic checks to help with that on the site... when a station is 'out of the parameters', you'd have had a chance to receive an 'email' notification, etc.. and repair any issue, or set enable us to correct...

When operational, the system will be checking for connections to streams hourly, Quality analysis run daily and daily logs available to providers who sign well offering a provider a 'real time' check of their stream quality, against certain arbitrary parameters,  and are interested in something beyond 'set and forget' but want to maintain reliability and quality. We realize that does not include everybody.

Sorry if many of you choose to take another route.



I'm curious about the "consistent hum" you are hearing on my feed.  Are you hearing it now on this feed?  Because I certainly am not.

The volume levels are anything but "erratic".  I literally have gone months without adjusting the volume at all.

No communication was ever received from you regarding your concerns.  I can't help or correct if I'm not aware.  In my defense, I don't visit or on a daily basis and was not aware until today that these utilities were available.  In the past, when I have checked, I have never seen my feed marked until today.

I discontinued my feed AFTER finding it disabled on your site.

When I listed weather radio feeds on my site and checked quality issues ten years ago, I never disabled a feed.  Instead, I simply notated with an asterisk on my site when (in my humble opinion) I felt a quality issue was present.  Frankly, I think this would have been a better way to handle alleged quality issues in the absence of email notifications.

I will be interested when "the system" is operational, whether it would benefit me in any way other than getting a notification when my feed has stopped.  I already have an external antenna connected to my radio for improved reception. 

I live in a rural area, which means that when a tree falls somewhere in the county, there's a chance my internet could go out.  Just two nights ago, a scheduled system upgrade left me without internet service for the better part of four hours.  And those Wednesday night Windows updates have gotten me more than once.  Expecting perfection from volunteers who are providing feeds out of their own resources is asking a lot, but I do the best I can.  I realize not everybody appreciates those efforts.


Offline kray1000

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« Reply #760 on: December 08, 2017, 08:52:16 PM »
I just want to say a couple of things.  The site (and the stream site) were founded by several of the weather enthusiasts who were appalled when Wunderground discontinued their 'home' for NOAA Weather Radio Streams.  We thought that a group of volunteers could make a new site to care for the feeds and continue to provide a service to weather enthusiasts worldwide.  Thanks to the largess of Crushed Box Software for hosting a stream server, we had a destination for streams.  Thanks to the efforts of the volunteers, we've got a functional service that is monitored (as never was by Wunderground), and it is non-commercial.  A lot of behind-the-scenes work has been done to automate quality checking/reporting features where none exist on other streaming destinations.

In summary: volunteer staffed, non-commercial, and really caring about offering the best quality streams., broadcastify, etc: commercial ventures and little/no quality checking

My 2cents...

And I'll add my two cents as well.

Getting the best quality stream possible should be the goal.  Not DISABLING a feed because it's less than perfect or TEMPORARILY unavailable.  Disable a feed when it's playing music instead, or playing a feed different than what is specified (which I found surprisingly often when I did my QC checks), or when it's TRULY unlistenable.

Many people don't have perfect reception, and all they can do is the best they can do.  My reception happens to be better than most, yet that's still wasn't good enough.

I was as dismayed as anyone when WU discontinued their streams, but I am thankful that others without judgment have stepped up to the plate to fill that void.

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #761 on: December 09, 2017, 12:05:57 PM »
Virtually every comment or complaint in the preceding few posts is referenced in some fashion in the following
information links on NOAAWeatherRadio ORG... including the 'quality' flagging... especially including the 'provider's responsibility'
I don't know how  we can be more explicit..,. there will be some updating to those pages..
and yes, there is ALWAYS one reference 'music' stream in position one, for provider volume reference.
Yes, there may be a 'music stream' at the end which is activated when some parameters are being looked at.
Yes, there are test sweeps turned on at times, again at the end.
and currently the music stream is on, and probably will be through out the weekend.
...and this is 2017, not 2007... and this is NOT weather Underground where we ignore you.
And NO we don't send notifications... many of you we don't even have a valid email address for.

Regardless, the promises we made to NOAA and the US department of Commerce explicitly implied
we would provide qood quality, good reliability,. especially in light of the lack of discrimination
WeatherUnderground began to display, and currently present on other 'streaming NWR' websites,
especially the commercial sites.  We wanted their sanction,  for the promotion of Public Safety, Citizen Science and Personal Weather Station Operators.
They don't give permission to use the "NOAA ALL HAZARDS WEATHER RADIO" logo to just anyone.  Most
uses are illegal, not so on NOAAWEATHERRADIO.ORG.

And once in awhile, we may upset someone.  Too Bad.  But by golly we'll fix it if we can, if
folks will just use the contact form on the site... and help prevent errors by watching out for their own stream.

That's it until we announce the QRA system, initial release, hopefully soon.
Testing our own version of QRA gold stars... some bugs in it, but it's live currently,...
it's a difficult thing to automate, and may not prove feasible, but if it ibecomes a permanent feature, it will be 'objective' based on parameters and numbers,
and will never likely be 'perfect',...

« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 12:19:33 PM by Cutty Sark Sailor »

Offline Mark / Ohio

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« Reply #762 on: December 09, 2017, 12:50:04 PM »
Hi guys,  just wanted to drop a note mine sounds over modulated and sort of muffled at the moment.  Turns out it is coming from the transmitter that way.  I sent a note to ILN Wilmington last night about it but so far no reply from them. 

Sent via iPhone
2002 Davis VP I Wireless, WeatherLink (Serial), GRLevel3, VirtualVP, StartWatch, Weather Display, Windows 10

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #763 on: December 09, 2017, 01:12:51 PM »

And this is what your stream would show on real-time analysis,...
part of the 'web options' suite for providers, when we make it live
 [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]

And that almost sounds like a phone line problem to transmitter...

This is the type issue that could be sent to us on the 'form'
which could notify us that there's an issue you know about.
This would  NOT create a 'QRA" flag, and definitely not manual DA or NA but would
'lower the stream score' , even though it's NOT provider's fault.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 01:19:15 PM by Cutty Sark Sailor »

Offline ValentineWeather

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« Reply #764 on: December 09, 2017, 01:29:03 PM »
What I found troublesome with the later script Ken provided having personal website linking my stream and for whatever reason gets removed from script, the script doesn't return stream for extended period so in the meantime users of website are wondering why they are getting a Kentucky stream in Nebraska. 

I don't want Kentucky or anywhere else streaming locally when my stream is down I just want dead air...

About the second time I noticed this happening, I went with Bob's SATCOP script ( I modified to liking)  that doesn't do this.


Offline saratogaWX

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« Reply #765 on: December 09, 2017, 01:39:13 PM »
What I found troublesome with the later script Ken provided having personal website linking my stream and for whatever reason gets removed from script, the script doesn't return stream for extended period so in the meantime users of website are wondering why they are getting a Kentucky stream in Nebraska. 

I don't want Kentucky or anywhere else streaming locally when my stream is down I just want dead air...

About the second time I noticed this happening, I went with Bob's SATCOP script ( I modified to liking)  that doesn't do this.

That's the first I've heard of that issue with the script.  It does dynamically generate the links from the JSON feed.  Which stream were you selecting with the PWS script?  Was the page auto-reloading?  Do you still have the PWS script page installed somewhere, and if so, what's the URL.   I'm interested in fixing the issue...
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline ValentineWeather

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« Reply #766 on: December 09, 2017, 01:49:14 PM »
This was happening after local internet outages. I was having a rash for awhile. Station would be completely removed and not come back for hours even though radio was back online.

I still have script running on website just not linked here...

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #767 on: December 09, 2017, 02:06:01 PM »
What I found troublesome with the later script Ken provided having personal website linking my stream and for whatever reason gets removed from script, the script doesn't return stream for extended period so in the meantime users of website are wondering why they are getting a Kentucky stream in Nebraska. 

I don't want Kentucky or anywhere else streaming locally when my stream is down I just want dead air...

About the second time I noticed this happening, I went with Bob's SATCOP script ( I modified to liking)  that doesn't do this.

Ken, Randy
the NWR main player script works this way,
...we have an 'audio' announcement there if we have a stream flagged DA or NA ... tells user it is "disabled temporally" or currently 'not available', and is advancing to next stream on list... On the website, if the server is 'off' for that stream, but it isn't DA or NA flagged, the site script simply pops a "source not found" warning.

The site script will automatically advance at the 'end of stream', (for example, the Tropical Weather Feed is inactive these months, so it repeats a message three times, than advances to the next stream)...  if a server connection is interrupted, it will move to next stream, abruptly, and without warning... someday we'll track that down maybe, and modify it... sort of low priority for now

But as far as I know, neither of Randy's streams has gone DA or NA on audit since way back when we first started.. we know if he's off, it's always a temporary glitch and ignore it since's he's right on top of it, and usually notifies us if unusual issue...
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 02:10:47 PM by Cutty Sark Sailor »

Offline saratogaWX

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« Reply #768 on: December 09, 2017, 02:28:58 PM »
This was happening after local internet outages. I was having a rash for awhile. Station would be completely removed and not come back for hours even though radio was back online.

I still have script running on website just not linked here...
Oops.. I'm getting
XML error: mismatched tag at line 106
loading your site.
looking at flyout-menu.xml shows
XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </menu>.
Line Number 106, Column 4:   </item>

Edit: it's ok now.. thanks for the link.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 02:31:00 PM by saratogaWX »
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
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Offline saratogaWX

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« Reply #769 on: December 09, 2017, 02:34:48 PM »
It looks like you're running V1.00 of the script.. the current version is V1.05 -02-Aug-2017 -- you might try that version and see if the issues still exist.

Best regards,
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
Free weather PHP scripts/website templates - update notifications on Twitter saratogaWXPHP

Offline ValentineWeather

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« Reply #770 on: December 09, 2017, 02:48:41 PM »
Okay I will,
I'm trying to link both radio versions should one go down but having issues with
It's being really finicky is why site was down. 

Offline saratogaWX

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« Reply #771 on: December 09, 2017, 02:54:45 PM »
Okay I will,
I'm trying to link both radio versions should one go down but having issues with
It's being really finicky is why site was down. 
I fully understand.. XML requires perfect syntax with each opened entry properly closed.  Grrr, but that's the way it works.
I even talked about that in the template menubar instructions.  SO easy to omit a closing tag, and I've done it too (many times).
Ken True/Saratoga, CA, USA main site:
Davis VP1+ FARS, Blitzortung RED, GRLevel3, WD, WL, VWS, Cumulus, Meteobridge
Free weather PHP scripts/website templates - update notifications on Twitter saratogaWXPHP

Offline kray1000

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« Reply #772 on: December 09, 2017, 10:39:48 PM »
I'm curious about the "consistent hum" you are hearing on my feed.  Are you hearing it now on this feed?  Because I certainly am not. 

The volume levels are anything but "erratic".  I literally have gone months without adjusting the volume at all.

Just as I thought.  Speaking of ignored...

and yes, there is ALWAYS one reference 'music' stream in position one, for provider volume reference.
Yes, there may be a 'music stream' at the end which is activated when some parameters are being looked at.
Yes, there are test sweeps turned on at times, again at the end.
and currently the music stream is on, and probably will be through out the weekend.

No one mentioned anything about this at all.

And once in awhile, we may upset someone.  Too Bad.  But by golly we'll fix it if we can, if
folks will just use the contact form on the site... and help prevent errors by watching out for their own stream.

That's it until we announce the QRA system, initial release, hopefully soon.
Testing our own version of QRA gold stars... some bugs in it, but it's live currently,...
it's a difficult thing to automate, and may not prove feasible, but if it [becomes] a permanent feature, it will be 'objective' based on parameters and numbers,
and will never likely be 'perfect',...

I can see I ruffled some feathers.  Oh well.

But I am happy to see an objective approach being attempted to assess the streams.   Perfect or not, it's better than how it's being done now, and a step in the right direction.

I should probably thank you for flagging my feed though.  I see now that there is another feed for the same station I was uploading, being provided by an E911 center with similarly good audio quality.  I don't see much point in duplicating an existing feed that should prove to be very reliable.  And there is already a backup to that feed as well.

I was a little late to this party, but it was fun while it lasted.  Best of luck to everyone on this project.  I'll keep tabs on how it progresses.

*[sarcasm]And thanks, Mike, for your kindness, for giving my concerns proper consideration, and for your willingness to meet me halfway.  Keep up the good work.[/sarcasm]

*(edited to fix missing tags)
« Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 09:00:25 PM by kray1000 »

Offline Cutty Sark Sailor

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« Reply #773 on: December 09, 2017, 11:12:41 PM »
...that 'objective' analysis has been developing for months,.. . we're just volunteers... hopefully it will be available soon,
and the history and current values for streams will be available to their provider, any time there should be a question
...we list any duplicate, alternate streams anyone wants to provide...  they are very valuable
Hurricane IRMA, Houston, widespread power outages, etc prove their value... some WILL go offline, some will have glitches...
and a duplicate provider is every bit as important as the 'primary', which will normally be given to a PWS operator's stream, if available..

Offline ValentineWeather

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« Reply #774 on: December 10, 2017, 09:52:43 AM »
Okay I will,
I'm trying to link both radio versions should one go down but having issues with
It's being really finicky is why site was down. 
I fully understand.. XML requires perfect syntax with each opened entry properly closed.  Grrr, but that's the way it works.
I even talked about that in the template menubar instructions.  SO easy to omit a closing tag, and I've done it too (many times).

I got it finally thanks.
If the primary goes down for extended time the secondary link is direct no waiting and will be online as soon as stream gets restored. 