Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting

Weather Radio Blank Screen


Curious if anyone else is getting a blank screen for the NOAA/EC All Hazards Radio?

Looks like your webserver is being hit with a JavaScript based challenge (likely created by the noaaweatherradio.org webserver) and the main JSON file to set up the page doesn't get fetched, so the page remains unformatted.

As a bypass, change wxradio.php from
--- Code: ---<script src="NWR-radios-data.php"></script>

--- End code ---
--- Code: ---<script src="https://noaaweatherradio.org/java/NWR-radios-data.js"></script>

--- End code ---
to fetch the control file directly from your browser.

I'll have to ask Cutty about the excessive 'protection' for the NWR-radios-data.js file.. it should be freely accessible.

As always Ken, Thank You!!!  That did the trick :-)


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