I have been testing with the Temtop LKC-1000S+ and looks like I have around 55-60% humidity. Im not surprised, my bedroom is next to the bathroom, and next to the laundry place, it has really shitty ventilation. This may explain my sinus isues, and there's also these annoying silver insects which are really fast. I may solve this with a dehumidifier? Which one should I buy? I remember reading how unless you invest on a high end one, don't bother since they aren't powerful enough or something. It is a small flat tho, but given the high humidity, I guess it's going to pick up a lot of water. And there's also mold buildup easily on the bathroom on the shower area.
Another concern would be that the stored water becomes a place for mold and stuff to be stored. So I would need to know what to buy, something high quality, where they considered all possible problems and are solved with some good engineering. Also any tips of experienced dehumidifier users are welcome.