My Davis VP2 PWS has been feeding data to Weather Underground since 2012. Just the other day I noticed something strange - on the Weather Underground maps, my PWS (as shown on the WU map) more or less consistently reported a temperature 4°C higher than other stations in the area. The PWS console itself displayed correct temperature data.
I finally got time to look into the matter this afternoon. As it turns out, my PWS data is overwritten by frequent and erroneous temperature reports from the PurpleAir sensor which I installed some two years ago. Not remembering whether I had provided the PurpleAir service with my WU password during setup, I simply changed my WU password and updated my weather software accordingly - hoping that the PurpleAir-provided data would not reach the WU servers after the password change. No joy - my PWS weather data was still overwritten by the PurpleAir sensor data.
Re-registering the PurpleAir sensor, selecting "
Create new Weather Underground sensor ID" during the setup process seems to have cured the problem. Hopefully this will assist others who may experience the same problem.
I surely hadn't expected the PurpleAir sensor to upload temperature data to Weather Underground, effectively overwriting my PWS data. Maybe there's a setting somewhere -- I wasn't able to locate one, though.
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