Web Weather > Weather Website PHP/AJAX scripting

Upgrading to the wxnwsradar.php page with an error


I'm trying to replace the WU radar pages with the upgraded wxnwsradar page and having an issue.
Page link: http://www.cnyweather.com/wxnwsradar.php
I'm getting no radar images and an error also:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/ht63ffwq1vvx/public_html/usaextremes.php on line 152

On my home page. the USa Extremes display without an issue though.
Line 152 on usaextremes.php is

--- Code: ---list($headers2,$content2) = explode("\r\n\r\n",$html2);
--- End code ---

Thanks in advance

The wxnwsradar.php page is not working because hanis_min.js is not in your home directory.

The usaextremes.php (and stateextremes.php) scripts are deprecated as the data source was closed down.

There's a replacement script (worldextremes.php) you can install from here that uses the NWS CPC for data.

Sorry about that. I thought the worldextremes was discontinued. All set now. THANK YOU!

Tony, I take it you are running a custom saratoga template with all the out of date files?



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