General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Severe Weather

Meteo-tsunami strikes Lake Michigan

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Garth Bock:

I know in the past a Strong consistent west wind on Lake Erie would push a lot of water to the east thus lowering the level on the west end and flooding the east end. Something similar happened just this past January. You can read about it here. 

OK. That was cool. Not in the sense of damage and the storm,  but in the phenomenon behind it.

Didnt know that could happen

Garth Bock:

--- Quote from: ocala on June 29, 2024, 05:30:49 AM ---I know in the past a Strong consistent west wind on Lake Erie would push a lot of water to the east thus lowering the level on the west end and flooding the east end. Something similar happened just this past January. You can read about it here.

--- End quote ---
What you describe is more like long term storm surge rather that a derecho that is quick event. We had one create a tragedy years ago when a derecho caused the sinking of a WWII "Duck" boat with tourists on it on Table Rock Lake here in the Ozarks.

The Big Water is very cool, a lot of "stuff happens".  Particularly like the seiche, have experienced several of those while boating along with water spouts.  Boated mostly Lakes Michigan and Huron, some Superior - they all have their own weather given their orientation and size.  Anyway, cool stuff.


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