Web Weather > Weather Web Cam Links

Enter Weather Data On Webcam

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I have a weather station connected to wunderground that generates at this address


a string like this:

--- Code: ---{"observations":[{"stationID":"IMATER7","obsTimeUtc":"2021-11-30T17:34:06Z","obsTimeLocal":"2021-11-30 18:34:06","neighborhood":"Matera","softwareType":null,"country":"IT","solarRadiation":null,"lon":16.614463,"realtimeFrequency":null,"epoch":1638293646,"lat":40.742697,"uv":null,"winddir":292,"humidity":79.0,"qcStatus":1,"metric":{"temp":3.8,"heatIndex":3.8,"dewpt":0.5,"windChill":2.0,"windSpeed":7.1,"windGust":7.1,"pressure":1018.96,"precipRate":0.00,"precipTotal":0.00,"elev":395.0}}]}
--- End code ---

I want to use something, a script or other that sends this data (txt file) on my FTP in order to print it on the webcam.
For the webcam I have a php script on FTP to manage the shots from my Foscam and to print some writings that it takes from a txt file. The same script could take the txt file with the always updated weather data and put them on the last shot.
I don't know if anyone has tried this in the past and already uses something. Is it possible to do such a thing without having a PC running 24 hours a day?


Mine is done with the Meteobridge.

See DATA CAM in my sig

Lots of people on here know how to do it with scripts and the like on RPi and such.

Just enter the string. Easy because I have not learned other methods. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]  [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]


--- Quote from: gianvi97 on November 30, 2021, 01:21:19 PM ---Hi,
I have a weather station connected to wunderground that generates at this address


a string like this:

--- Code: ---{"observations":[{"stationID":"IMATER7","obsTimeUtc":"2021-11-30T17:34:06Z","obsTimeLocal":"2021-11-30 18:34:06","neighborhood":"Matera","softwareType":null,"country":"IT","solarRadiation":null,"lon":16.614463,"realtimeFrequency":null,"epoch":1638293646,"lat":40.742697,"uv":null,"winddir":292,"humidity":79.0,"qcStatus":1,"metric":{"temp":3.8,"heatIndex":3.8,"dewpt":0.5,"windChill":2.0,"windSpeed":7.1,"windGust":7.1,"pressure":1018.96,"precipRate":0.00,"precipTotal":0.00,"elev":395.0}}]}
--- End code ---

I want to use something, a script or other that sends this data (txt file) on my FTP in order to print it on the webcam.
For the webcam I have a php script on FTP to manage the shots from my Foscam and to print some writings that it takes from a txt file. The same script could take the txt file with the always updated weather data and put them on the last shot.
I don't know if anyone has tried this in the past and already uses something. Is it possible to do such a thing without having a PC running 24 hours a day?


--- End quote ---

https://cron-job.org/en/ would work for your script without having a pc up.


--- Quote from: davidmc36 on November 30, 2021, 05:23:57 PM ---Mine is done with the Meteobridge.

See DATA CAM in my sig

Lots of people on here know how to do it with scripts and the like on RPi and such.

--- End quote ---

I know meteobridge but I would not like to use it.


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