Weather Related Organizations > PWSweather / AerisWeather / WeatherForYou

Hamweather Metar Download Issue


I have been unable to retrieve Metar data since 9:34 a.m. PST on 12/1/2021.  I tried submitting a ticket on PWS Weather's website but the "submit" button is inactive.  Does anyone have the direct E-mail contact?

It's working now.  In case anyone else still uses this, the contact info I used was

Refer to this URL:

It seems like Aeris is having server issues.  I was updating my ancient Belchertown WeeWX skin this afternoon to a newer version, which uses Aeris instead of DarkSky for forecast info.  Searching for daily forecasts on the web was failing with "502 Gateway" errors for a few hours, but now appears to be working.....


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