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jaded, I just love anti-spam services and software. I have something similier to what you speak of called ChoiceMail. It is permission based, in other words if you get an email from someone not on your "white list" of approved senders, it sends them an email with an explanation of the service and a link to "Confirm" themsleves. Just a couple fields to fill in, name and reason for the email. Once this is comleted I get notification and can approve them or decline them. I compare it to a phone answering machine, if it's important enough, leave a message otherwise I guess it wasn't very important, spammers never bother.

I also have full control over all incomming email junk or not, I can chose to look them over or just ignore them and let it delete them in x number of days. All "unknown" senders go into a holding bin. It has very few rules for junk mail, if someone doesn't "confirm" themselves in x number of days the email just gets deleted never reaches my inbox.

Along the lines of your service they allow you "alias" email addresses to use when ordering things. If it starts getting spammed, you just delete the address.

I have it monitoriing most of my pop3 accounts and also yahoo. The free version only monitors one account but it is a one time fee to purchase it to give you the ability for multiple accounts.

As far as getting flooded as Anne-Marie did, there is a feature that if you get x number of emails from the same address and they haven't confirmed themsleves yet, they all go in the junk email box from that point on.

Send me an email you'll see how it works, unless of course you're on my whitelist, everyone on my Friends Map is on my whitelist.


--- Quote from: "jaded" ---I use sneakemail.com when I register for anything on line.  Sneakemail lets you create "disposable" email accounts, so what you do is create a unique address for every registration.  Every email you receive from that site is tagged with your name for them, so you always know "which" web site was responsible for sending you the crap.  If one of them does become "spammy", you just tell sneakemail to block it, and it's done.

--- End quote ---

This is basically what I do except I don't use an outside service. I create a forwarder to my spam catching address whenever I have to register on a site. When it starts getting hit I simply delete the forwarder. I've found this approach works better than any other solution available. No false positives, plus I can see who is making my addy available, either on purpose or accidentally, since I create the addresses based on the domain name of the site I'm registering at.


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