Weather Station Hardware > Ambient Weather and Ecowitt and other Fine Offset clones

HP2551C WiFi exclamation mark!? No Ecowitt upload


Hi please help / any ideas. My Froggit HP1000SE / HP2551C console just stopped transmitting to Ecowitt. On the screen my WiFi signal shows as full bars and the config page says “Connected”. But there is a tiny exclamation mark to the left of the signal strength meter I’ve never seen before...

The console appears on my WiFi network, has an IP address, The same IP address appears in the console settings on-screen. I can ping it. WS View finds it as normal, and when I go into the web services on WS View it looks active the The “response time” yields normal ing values in the 600-700ms range.

V1.7.1 firmware & EasyWeather v1.5.8

Ive tried rebooting the console and the WiFi router. I’ve tried (painfully) removing and re-entering the WiFi details on the console. Same result.

I also have 2x GW1000’s operating normally too and uploading to Ecowitt from my home IP network via same WAN.

Any ideas?

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Panic over. Another reboot of my router and also cable modem (not the wireless access point) did the trick. I’m guessing that little exclamation marks means it can’t connect to WAN even it if can connect to LAN. I dnd’t try any other web weather services to see if that was true or it was just Expect it was a general WAN access issue. Who know why. Routers!


--- Quote from: wardie on April 10, 2021, 03:02:14 PM ---Panic over. Another reboot of my router and also cable modem (not the wireless access point) did the trick. I’m guessing that little exclamation marks means it can’t connect to WAN even it if can connect to LAN. I dnd’t try any other web weather services to see if that was true or it was just Expect it was a general WAN access issue. Who know why. Routers!

--- End quote ---
Your guess is correct !!  [tup] - see also
Confirmed by Ecowitt.


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