I thought values are in km/h to begin with afaik.
// Start Unit Conversion if Needed
Australia for instance shows km/h without me selecting any parameter
cant find on ogimets website what values they show but guessing they are all metric.
Hi Simon,
Yes that is all correct, however someone put the switch in so that UK per say can have metric units for Temp/Rain and MPH for Wind.
That switch does not work and it never would, have you tried to display wind in KMH ?
I see that PaulMy must have tried as his Wind has no KMH or MPH. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
I have re-written the file in order to allow the switch's to work correctly, Allows (Metriic and MPH Wind) or (Imperial and KMH Wind) whatever you want.
I actually wrote 2 versions : ?sce=view works on both below.
1 : The standard Single Units Column : : The standard but with Both Units Column (so Imperial / Metric in same Column ) : can also in the Both Units version use the switches to Have say (Metric Temp/Rain First and MPH Wind First) as you see in the example image below.
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Anyway just thought I would share it.
Hopefully you understand and maybe someone finds it useful.
Oops : Nearly forgot : You will need to change the Site to Pass in lines 123/124 if you normally use one or the or the other (Mine only works with the current one set).
From :
// Site to Parse ( NOTE : Swap below Sitesource if it does not work, default most use is the first one )
//$siteSource = "$country&rank=20&ano=$year&mes=$month&day=$day&hora=$hour&Send=send";
$siteSource = "$country&rank=20&ano=$year&mes=$month&day=$day&hora=$hour&Send=send";
To :
// Site to Parse ( NOTE : Swap below Sitesource if it does not work, default most use is the first one )
$siteSource = "$country&rank=20&ano=$year&mes=$month&day=$day&hora=$hour&Send=send";
//$siteSource = "$country&rank=20&ano=$year&mes=$month&day=$day&hora=$hour&Send=send";
kindest Regards,