General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Tropical Weather

Helene is now the deadliest mainland U.S. hurricane since Katrin

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What’s the “climate agenda”? Accepting that humanity has changed and is changing the climate?


--- Quote from: hofpwx on October 02, 2024, 08:57:42 PM ---What’s the “climate agenda”? Accepting that humanity has changed and is changing the climate?

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That remains the question.

This is all a moot point. Even if anthropogenic climate change is real (which I'm obviously dubious about), it's meaningless unless you get the entire industrialized planet to jump onboard. Good luck with that. So, our lovely lawmakers don't give a shit, and will happily spend trillions of your tax dollars on garbage science just to put everyone in bread lines while they line their pockets. Prove me wrong.


--- Quote from: Mattk on October 02, 2024, 09:22:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: hofpwx on October 02, 2024, 08:57:42 PM ---What’s the “climate agenda”? Accepting that humanity has changed and is changing the climate?

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That remains the question.
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How so? We humans are dominating the forcing of the climate system.


--- Quote from: CW2274 on October 02, 2024, 09:57:48 PM ---This is all a moot point. Even if anthropogenic climate change is real (which I'm obviously dubious about),
--- End quote ---
What evidence would you find convincing?

--- Quote ---[..]So, our lovely lawmakers don't give a shit, and will happily spend trillions of your tax dollars on garbage science just to put everyone in bread lines while they line their pockets. Prove me wrong.
--- End quote ---
"Trillions"? You exaggerate. What's the "garbage science"? Please explain so I can understand where you've gone wrong.


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