Weather Station Hardware > What Weather Station Should I Buy?

Two things missing from most stations…

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Accurate snowfall liquid equivalent and accurate wind speed.

In my tree laden East Coast landscape, it’s damn near impossible to get a good wind reading unless you install your unit on the roof, but that’s a bad location for accurate temp readings.

And as far as snow, a light to moderate snowfall without a lot of wind, it will often eventually melt into the rain collector and give a fairly accurate liquid equivalent, but nothing with a lot of wind and or a really heavy snowfall works right. Are there any weather stations that have an actual good snowfall measurement tool? I’m more interested in the liquid equivalent so I can get accurate annual precipitation readings.


--- Quote from: MDDad on August 27, 2024, 05:52:53 PM ---In my tree laden East Coast landscape, it’s damn near impossible to get a good wind reading unless you install your unit on the roof, but that’s a bad location for accurate temp readings.

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You don't have to use an all-in-one unit.

For instance:
. . . allows you to place the individual sensors as you see fit.

On the roof is also a bad location for good wind readings, also bad for good precipitation readings.

Doppler radar 24GHz precipitation sensor will measure droplet size/sensitivity/particle velocity/type(rain/snow), solid precipitation (hail) and intensity

Even ASOS/AWOS do not have automated snowfall measurements - they are done by humans (Contract Weather Observers) with a snow board and a stick. The FAA has invested in research to verify a present weather sensor that can differentiate among rain, snow, snow pellets, freezing rain, and sleet but it will be several years before they start deploying it at ASOS sites. And, I don't believe that new sensor will measure snow - it's focus is to support deicing decisions for aircraft and to replace the human that is still needed to observer present weather.


--- Quote from: MDDad on August 27, 2024, 05:52:53 PM ---Are there any weather stations that have an actual good snowfall measurement tool? I’m more interested in the liquid equivalent so I can get accurate annual precipitation readings.

--- End quote ---

A heated bucket may be about the best you can get unless you have a budget large enough to start playing with sensors like the Lufft WS100.


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