Weather Station Hardware > What Weather Station Should I Buy?

Best weather station for multi-site

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Take a look here as well.

Depends on your networking solution.  For a ski area I'd think you have distance limitations for both ethernet and wifi no matter which way you go about it.

Personally I like using Home Assistant as a consolidated dashboard of MQTT data.  You can easily set HA to do things like change the color of an item based on its value.  That's how I indicate door/window open/closed state (Zwave), and weather data (MQTT or REST interfaces).  For example, the wind gauge changes color as the gust speed changes.

So you'd need one MQTT broker system (easy in docker) and one HA system (again in docker) and one or more weewx setups (again easy to do).  I run all the docker stuff on an ancient 8GB ram i3 NUC so you don't need much compute at all.  Really comes down to how do you connect the weather station to the weewx instance.

(reminder - you can't connect the new Davis consoles to anything other than their cloud.  There's no local API.)

Check with surrounding ski areas and see how they do it.  Leverage the trails others have blazed.

I'd say a big consideration for you is how well the station and sensors stand up to the harsh, freezing conditions. Again i I'd probably look at what solutions other ski resorts are using.

Thank you all for the recommendations.  I have surveyed the site pretty closely, and I believe if we were to do the Ecowitt equipment, we're close enough to the "hut" where we already have connectivity.  For clarity, we have connectivity (extensive point to point network to each lift and area of interest) to all of the lift base, and top locations, and some other intermediate locations across the property.  It's pretty nice to have wireless, and cameras everywhere that "just work". 

Anyway - what I *think* I have figured out is that we can grab a sensor (like the WS90) for the top of a tower near the top of the lift, while installing the GW2000 in the hut about 100 or less feet away.  Then we can connect that to our network. 

For capturing the data, I'm assuming we can use WeeWX or something as someone said, in a multi-tenant way to gather from multiple devices, and then either build, or somehow connect the multiple devices to a location where we can pull the data for a website.

Assuming I'm on the right path here, if I did want a display IN the hut for the operator there dedicated for that lift, would I just add one of the consoles and point it to the GW2000 for that lift?  Or do I have to do something else?

Thank you all!!!!


--- Quote from: garlandclan on October 16, 2024, 05:26:45 PM ---
Assuming I'm on the right path here, if I did want a display IN the hut for the operator there dedicated for that lift, would I just add one of the consoles and point it to the GW2000 for that lift?  Or do I have to do something else?

--- End quote ---
If you have a GW2000, one option is to avoid a dedicated console and just use a browser on a PC or a tablet. The GW2000 by default uploads data to, and a browser page can display that. Attached is a snippet of one of mine.


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