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hosting your own website???
At one time I did know a few people on the forum hosted there own website. Are you all still doing it? or did you give up the self hosting?
If you are hosting your own. What are you using?
Yup - I run my website (https://wxdoc.info) from my Synology NAS.
I used to have one : dsmweather.org . and I had all the goodies plus soil moisture , 4 depths. anyway I put a tracker on and it was mostly russian and chinese bots, so I pulled the plug . As far as the script, the author of that was being difficult when I had a question so that was the second reason. Now I have the weatherlink site https://www.weatherlink.com/embeddablePage/show/6f3b4abce7de4311a3210cd93d325a0c/summary
that fulfills my desire. the wife insisted the soil moisture station to go away, so I pulled the sensors and the station resides in the garden shed . I do send data to APRS, Weatherunderground, globe.gov ;Weathercloud Network and wpw cwop. so I do share it and of course the conditions the wife wants to know.
I had Hostmonster as the provider and they were very helpful and available 24/7 .
I have been hosting my site on my Windows server for the last 16 years.
Thank you all for the info on your setups!
--- Quote from: Forever on July 03, 2024, 03:16:10 PM ---I have been hosting my site on my Windows server for the last 16 years.
--- End quote ---
So would that be windows server OS? Nice!!
--- Quote from: weatherdoc on July 03, 2024, 07:00:19 AM ---Yup - I run my website (https://wxdoc.info) from my Synology NAS.
--- End quote ---
I like your site....yours is the reason why I posted this. I am thinking of getting a Synology NAS and doing the same!
--- Quote from: Aardvark on July 03, 2024, 01:45:24 PM ---
I used to have one : dsmweather.org . and I had all the goodies plus soil moisture , 4 depths. anyway I put a tracker on and it was mostly russian and chinese bots, so I pulled the plug . As far as the script, the author of that was being difficult when I had a question so that was the second reason. Now I have the weatherlink site https://www.weatherlink.com/embeddablePage/show/6f3b4abce7de4311a3210cd93d325a0c/summary
that fulfills my desire. the wife insisted the soil moisture station to go away, so I pulled the sensors and the station resides in the garden shed . I do send data to APRS, Weatherunderground, globe.gov ;Weathercloud Network and wpw cwop. so I do share it and of course the conditions the wife wants to know.
I had Hostmonster as the provider and they were very helpful and available 24/7 .
--- End quote ---
What did your system use when it was online? I am not married but I do know you better keep the wife happy :)
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