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Mini Weather Station


Garth Bock:
Very interesting.....



Pretty cool. If I see it right, curious why they have a barometer accurate to 10', but yet your elevation can only be entered in increments of 25'.

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If you magnify the picture, we see that it is not a weather station, it's a "storm alert" barometer.

The row of lights looks definitely retro. We can also see in the magnified picture what appears to be an exposed barometer breakout board, where you can see some fuzzy lettering. Despite the marketing hype, the "high-end" barometric sensor is a rather pedestrian Bosch BMP280.

As noted by CW2274, you can only set your elevation in rather crude steps of 25 feet. From sea level, a 25-foot elevation represents a considerable 0.92 hPa drop in pressure. At higher elevations, this number expands. The marketing text says it will display pressure, QNH or a user-defined pressure. Display where?

The interesting feature are the lights. These lights presumably come on when the algorithm detects a big change in pressure, maybe a pressure hump as a cold front slides through or a massive drop of 4, 5 or 6 hPa in a short period of time. All this, of course, is conjecture on my part. More information please!!

As Garth noted…interesting!


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