Weather Software > What Weather Software should I use/buy?

Need to update weather station - not much money available!

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That is the route I tried and failed on. Not the only one to do so from this feedback below it from

Barry Schwartz Wrote:Jul 23, 2022
It is a shame that you guys cannot keep this page up to date. I reloaded windows on my machine and these directions do not work and are out of date. Why do you make it so freaking hard to get the software? Come on man!!!

Thanks John for trying to help.

This is usually because people don't read the instructions correctly. The page is fully up to date unless some new issue has emerged of which I am unaware (though with such frequent updates to Windows then it's always possible that something has recently broken with the old WL software). But if commenters don't specify what issue they are having then it's difficult to guess! What problem are you having?

Ian, TBH as per my previous comments, if the main problem is that you are suffering data outages then this is not an issue that would be cured by different software. You need to troubleshoot why the outages are happening.

Then if you can fix that problem, by all means consider newer software like or CumulusMX for example.

You are so correct!
I'm embarrassed, contrite, annoyed at myself and apologetic. I'd add more but that requires me to get up and fetch the Thesaurus and I'm to old. Which is probably why I didn't read it properly in the first place.
You are no doubt also correct re the cause of my problem, but I may as well update the app anyway and then look for the data error..

 :grin: So that does that mean that you have been able to update Weatherlink for Windows to v6.0.5 successfully???

Yes I have. All I need to do is fid the old password now. Since I set i up initially many years ago, I may have some difficulty finding it. Any way of resetting it? Have a medical appointment tomorrow so can't try and find for a day or two.


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