Weather Software > What Weather Software should I use/buy?
Need to update weather station - not much money available!
Thank you for the links which have enabled me to determine that the logger is set USBX mode and therefore setting the communications port to USB is correct, confirmed that when I run Test, it recognises the VP station. I also looked at the trouble shooting link abut didn't find anything more to help there.
I have checked other things and have found a problem using Plesk which fails to connect to the village web site. I don't know how relevant that is except to say that using FTP apps such as Filezilla and Dopus I can access the web site files via FTP. Having checked with my (very helpful) ISP they think FTP is being blocked via a browser. I use Chrome. I assume the difference is that Plesk uses an app via Chrome, while the FTP apps connect direct.
If I am correct, should i go back to Serial/VCP and VP V5.6? That used to work. Your link does describe how to do that. But the Plesk issue may indicate a local problem as suggested by the ISP. Not having my password is probably irrelevant as I assume all other settings are as they were I first started using it.
Thank you for your help but I fear I may be stuck!
I cannot find the password to do the configuration. The data that the logger says is downloading, 500 plus records, does not appear in any folder on the PC. It does create a WLK file but only for a couple of days from last month (March). This is even when I try a new install on my laptop. I have tried Cumulus and this does seem to work as far as live data is concerned. FTP works OK (using Filezilla and another FTP app).
Rightly or wrongly I suspect that there may be a problem with the logger.
Can I clean out/reformat the logger so that I can set thing sup as if this was a totally new installation.
Just a suggestion here. Try using a wifi logger instead. The logger automatically makes its own webpage for your data.
Also download the latest version of WL software. 6.0.3 I believe is the latest version. That's it. Once a week you download the data into weatherlink then shut down the PC. Nothing runs 24/7 except the console. If electricity is an issue you can use batteries in the console. On johnd's website there is a link to the wifi logger along with a picture of the webpage it generates.
Unless I'm missing something regarding your issue this should get you back up and running.
Thank you for all your replies but I don't seem to be able to fix this despite suggestions here and from Davis. A lot points to the data logger being faulty but there does not seem to be anyway to try what often works with other apps, reformat and start afresh.
Thank you all anyway. I'm grateful for your time and suggestions.
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