Miscellaneous Debris > Tech Corner

China cracks down on weather stations cites national security

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Garth Bock:

Replaced with a better link.

I don't even know where to start.

They dont like WU having their data either.

Shame as even their own Chinese manufactured/branded stations send to WU!

That's like the pot calling the kettle black. They don't like these weather stations in their backyards around key military facilities and defense plants? Well too bad brother. They're not even blinking an eye trying to start companies and businesses in North/South Dakotas and Montana right next to OUR military installations and sensitive sites! As a matter of fact, they seek out those types of companies right here in the good ole USofA to do the exact same thing! They're buying real estate, obtaining business licenses and sometimes using cutouts to spy on us. Most the time they don't even disguise who they are because they think we're too oblivious to check them out and do our due diligence. Ug, don't get me started...


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