Weather Related Organizations > NOAA National Weather Service

New ASOS Temperature/Dewpoint System

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For those interested in such things and from a hint from a fellow forum member, I was able to find this PowerPoint of the replacement to the ASOS HO-1088 and DTS1. Replacement looks to be next fiscal year after operational testing this summer. Looks like they will use the Vaisala HMP155 in a passive shield for dewpoint and the HMP155’s optional remote temp probe in a RM Young aspirated shield for temperature.

Wonder why it's taken them so long to adopt commercially available instrumentation? Red tape?

Also curious to know if they chose the HMP155 due to it's stability over longer periods since the gov't struggles with maintenance schedules. :lol:

But in all seriousness finding out they are rolling out with ASOS SLEP made my day. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.


ASOS 2.0 before Davis VP3


--- Quote from: CW7491 on August 01, 2023, 04:58:35 PM --- Vaisala HMP155 in a RM Young aspirated shield for temperature and another in a passive shield for dewpoint.

--- End quote ---

Interesting they decided to use commercially available instruments.

Anyone besides me see that the instruments in the picture are located over gravel, not exactly a good example of how to set up a station.

It could be worse here is Sky Harbor's own heat island in Phoenix. There isn't even a weed around, just hard-packed ground and crushed rock next to the runway tarmac and maintenance road. With jets blowing hot exhaust out taking off and landing every few minutes. Not even the desert is this barren.   :?


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