I'm wondering a few things?...
- Up until how recently was this affected Acurite model sold?
- Is this Acurite model still available....hopefully not.
- What solutions does Acurite have? (Firmware update?...replacement display console?...Access device?)
And lastly a more complex issue that perhaps some web gurus can explain if I'm wrong somewhere...
- Why is this WU upload blocking TLS 1.1 even an issue? I thought WU uploads occurred in clear text HTTP GET protocol?
Sure the official WU upload protocol defines it to use HTTPS...
https://support.weather.com/s/article/PWS-Upload-Protocol?language=en_USbut at least previously HTTP also worked (is HTTPS now enforced with greater security than TLS 1.1?)...example:
https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/weather-underground/WeatherUnderground/UploaderEven if they enforce HTTPS with greater than TLS 1.1, as I understand the HTTPS GET protocol the data payload is still part of the clear text URL when using GET....I think. This is because the data is contained in the URL when using GET. So yes TLS 1.1 is insecure and I can understand removing support for it ...but in this case I don't even see what there is to protect. Maybe I'm wrong somewhere...I'll admit that I probably know enough to even confuse myself.