Weather Software > RaspberryPI Weather Software
Streaming to Multiple Icecast Servers with RTL SDR and Darkice
--- Quote from: 92merc on March 13, 2017, 05:25:24 PM ---If I wanted to turn down the volume just a bit on the stream, is it one of these options I need to change? I'm guessing one of the last numbers.
rtl_fm -f 162.55M -s 48000 | play -q -r 48000 -t raw -e s -b 16 -c 1 -V1 -v 6 -
--- End quote ---
Yep it's -v 6, so change it to -v 5 or -v 4.
Trying this rather complex Raspberry Pi trick, but I'm not getting a stream for some reason.
This is my 'screen':
--- Code: ---Found 1 device(s):
0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Tuner gain set to automatic.
Tuner error set to -6 ppm.
Tuned to 162727000 Hz.
Oversampling input by: 21x.
Oversampling output by: 1x.
Buffer size: 8.13ms
Exact sample rate is: 1008000.009613 Hz
Sampling at 1008000 S/s.
Output at 48000 Hz.
--- End code ---
As you can see the tuner is tuned to 162.727 MHz, but I've set it to 162.475 MHz in '':
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
# Using Sox/Play with ALSA Loopback
rtl_fm -f 162.475M -s 48000 -p -6 | play -q -r 48000 -t raw -e s -b 16 -c 1 -V1 -v 6 -
--- End code ---
When I log onto my icecast server as 'admin' with the password I set as 'hackme', this is what shows:
[ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
There is no mountpoint:
[ You are not allowed to view attachments ]
I'm not sure what the mountpoint, etc. should be. Here are my entries in 'darkice.cfg':
--- Code: ---[general]
duration = 0
bufferSecs = 5
reconnect = yes
device = plughw:1,1
sampleRate = 48000
bitsPerSample = 16
channel = 1
# Primary Icecast
bitrateMode = abr
format = mp3
bitrate = 64
server =
port = 8000
password = hackme
mountPoint = raspi
name = Raspi
description = NOAA Weather Radio
url = http://localhost
--- End code ---
I've never been very fluent in 'Linux Speak', but I've gotten this far by following your instructions. I also tried to set icecast's output port to '8002' with no success. Lotsa gotcha's here for me apparently.
Looks like an issue with Darkice, check your log file:
--- Code: ---less -n +F /var/log/darkice.log
--- End code ---
It could be that it can't find the sound card input, or it can't find the Icecast server.
--- Quote from: tim273 on April 02, 2017, 04:37:14 PM ---Looks like an issue with Darkice, check your log file:
--- Code: ---less -n +F /var/log/darkice.log
--- End code ---
It could be that it can't find the sound card input, or it can't find the Icecast server.
--- End quote ---
Thanks, you may be right. I get this:
--- Code: ---pi@GWWilkinsNOAARadioServer:~ $ less -n +F /var/log/darkice.log
/var/log/darkice.log: No such file or directory
pi@GWWilkinsNOAARadioServer:~ $
--- End code ---
How to fix?
(I finally found how to enable my Pi 3's wifi, so I've removed the ethernet tether.)
--- Quote from: gwwilk on April 02, 2017, 04:38:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: tim273 on April 02, 2017, 04:37:14 PM ---Looks like an issue with Darkice, check your log file:
--- Code: ---less -n +F /var/log/darkice.log
--- End code ---
It could be that it can't find the sound card input, or it can't find the Icecast server.
--- End quote ---
Thanks, you may be right. I get this:
--- Code: ---pi@GWWilkinsNOAARadioServer:~ $ less -n +F /var/log/darkice.log
/var/log/darkice.log: No such file or directory
pi@GWWilkinsNOAARadioServer:~ $
--- End code ---
How to fix?
--- End quote ---
A couple things, first if your Icecast server is on your local Raspberry Pi, you can just use localhost for the server, you don't need your IP.
I'm wondering if Darkice didn't start, so try
--- Code: ---sudo service darkice start
--- End code ---
and then try looking at the log again.
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