Weather Station Hardware > Bloomsky Sky Camera+sensors
Bloomsky, another script
Just another script.
Can be used in any website/template.
Outputs one < div > with CSS included which will try to fit in the area you give it (100%).
Making the screen wider enlarges the images until 640*640px.
To use the 5 movies it needs html5 but that is fairly common.
This is the FIRST version so I need all YOUR comments to improve the script.
As most users are in the US, I used English as default and translated to Dutch (nl). I will translate the other languages shortly.
To test/use the script:
1. go to your Bloomsky dashboard at and obtain your API key by clicking at the bottom/left on "Developers"
2. Copy that strange sequence of characters and paste in in the script in the first setting (= line 5).
Run the script in your browser. Should look like the attached first picture for the component (to integrate in a page)
The second picture is for the vertical version
EDIT 2016-MAR-01 17:00 UTC: Minor documentation updates, minor script updates. no need to reinstall
EDIT 2016-FEB-29 17:00 UTC: Download is now complete with both scripts and versions or Saratoga/Leuven/others
Looking forward to using it Wim. However we are just leaving for a couple days so will need to wait until next week to provide comment.
The PHP I opened has no line returns, so a little hard to read on screen.
But I plugged in my API key, and no love for me once again. I couldn't get the other script working either. I'm using other PHP on my site, so I don't think that is the issue. I'm beginning to wonder if my API key is working right.
--- Quote from: wvdkuil on February 27, 2016, 09:10:04 AM ---Just another script.
Can be used in any website/template.
Outputs one < div > with CSS included which will try to fit in the area you give it (100%).
Making the screen wider enlarges the images until 640*640px.
To use the 5 movies it needs html5 but that is fairly common.
This is the FIRST version so I need all YOUR comments to improve the script.
As most users are in the US, I used English as default and translated to Dutch (nl). I will translate the other languages shortly.
To test/use the script:
1. go to your Bloomsky dashboard and obtain your API key by clicking at the bottom/left on "Developers"
2. Copy that strange sequence of characters and paste in in the script in the first setting (= line 5).
Run the script in your browser. Should look like the attached picture.
--- End quote ---
Thank you Wim for creating this!
Unfortunately my Bloomsky is still down but the script looks great!
Bloomsky Script
92merc, try using notepad++ to edit it. You can goggle and find it easy and works great for editing.
I have it up and running here and looks great other than the A after the temp. Is it possible to make current image, data and video vertical instead of horizontal so it can be used in the saratoga templete?
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