Weather Station Hardware > Remote Weather Monitoring

Remote Spectrum Watchdog 2700 GPRS problem

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Have added some pics to show the station setup with the datalogger, board and gateway.

Ah ok, I either missed something or misread a part of your initial post. While the board the third party supplied is similar to the Spectrum version in parts, I don't think the Specware software would save you after seeing that.

I'm going to look into that board though because there might be something you can use to manage it the same way Specware manages the Spectrum COM board.

That would be great, thanks for having a look at it.

Hi I appear to have a similar issue with the unit at my work is there a way to I'd if the cellular unit is a spectrum or a 3rd party unit
Believe it's a 3rd party unit but would like to confirm and then resolve the issue


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