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AcuRite Weather Stations / My Atlas is coming back online
« Last post by skysummit on Today at 09:28:29 AM »
I believe I'm on my 4th Atlas, with the first 2 being BETA test models years ago when a bunch of us on here took part in that. I love being a beta tester so if there's anything like that going on, hit me up!

Nevertheless, I'll be finally getting my Atlas back online over the coming week. I have a direct to WiFi display and solar panel getting delivered tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.

But looking throughout this forum, it seems as though interest has greatly dwindled :(  (kind of like CB radios)

Quick question though...has there ever been a way to get Acurite's wx data over to CWOP, via Weather Display or any other software?

I'll post pics of my setup once all complete.
I've tried it, makes no difference .
Emailing Ecowitt support

Edit: Email sent, waiting for reply

Custom Website Templates / Re: nwswinter script by gwwilkins
« Last post by Jasiu / JJ on Today at 08:22:26 AM »
OK, quick fix to try:

wxnwswinter-common.php, line 126, add the "px":

Code: [Select]
      <?php if (isset($_SESSION[&#39;CSSwidescreen&#39;])) { ?>
        <div id="main-copy" style="width:<?php echo $divWidth ?>px; border:inset; background-color:#FFF">
      <?php } else { ?>
        <div id="main-copy" style="width:<?php echo $divWidth?>px; background-color:#FFF" class="center">
      <?php } ?>

showPrediction.js, line 16, comment out the img assignment and add the new one:

Code: [Select]
//  var img = $("<img>").attr('src', imageURL).attr('width', divWidth).attr('alt', prediction)
  var img = $("<img>").attr('src', imageURL).css('width', '100%').attr('alt', prediction)
Custom Website Templates / Re: nwswinter script by gwwilkins
« Last post by Jasiu / JJ on Today at 08:10:29 AM »
Fixing that particular px centers the headers but not the image. It's something to do with the image width. I'm downloading Jerry's latest right now to debug.
I see there is a new firmware release for the GW2000.;topicseen#new
Perhaps that may be useful with this issue.
Custom Website Templates / Re: nwswinter script by gwwilkins
« Last post by tmabell on Today at 07:58:50 AM »
In my experience with this, the 'px' can be particularly important.  When it is omitted you see the kinds of things you are seeing.  I'd try that first.
Custom Website Templates / Re: nwswinter script by gwwilkins
« Last post by Jasiu / JJ on Today at 07:50:25 AM »
A few more mods needed for wide screen...

Code: [Select]
      <?php if (isset($_SESSION[&#39;CSSwidescreen&#39;])) { ?>
        <div id="main-copy" style="width:<?php echo $divWidth ?>; border:inset; background-color:#FFF">
      <?php } else { ?>
        <div id="main-copy" style="width:<?php echo $divWidth?>px; background-color:#FFF" class="center">
      <?php } ?>

Need the "px" in the first div here after $divWidth, like it's done in the else.

Should probably get rid of the image residing in a table. No need for that and it seems to be a part of the problem here. Have to deal with a dog right now but I'll look into it later (unless Jerry or Tom gets to it sooner).
I've updated this but it is giving me issues with my script which accesses the Telnet API, the battery data does not appear to be correct in that my checksums do not match. Now at this time I have not proven this is an error in the new F/W but my code has worked perfectly on all previous releases. So I will investigate some more. This gateway is not connected to any software at present so cannot tell if it works OK that way with CMX! Be interesting to know if anyone using CMX with a GW1100 has any issues.

Supports smart  scene sunrise, sunset, and time offset settings
is meant that sunrise and sunset as well as time offsets can be used for smart plans of for the IoT devices
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