Weather Software > Heavy Weather by LaCrosse Technologies
Any way of getting 2812 to auto connect to HeavyWeather
I have a 2812-IT wx station, and use heavy weather pro 2800 v1.5
I reed in the manual that if the PC reboots then you need to resync the wx station. I reboot my server every night, so for me that is a problem...
Is there any way of getting Heavy Weather to connect to the wx station again after a reboot?
I run a ws2810 and the manual states the same thing for this, however, the station resyncs automatically to the p.c. after a reboot. The only time I have to manually do a resync is if/when I change the batteries in the console/display. Might want to see if your ws2812 does the same.
Welcome to the forum!
Does yours connect to Heavy Weather "instantly" (within a few sec. like after a resync) or do you have to wait a while?
I have tried to wait about 2-3 min, but no luck... Maybe I have to wait longer?...
Also, when your PC reboots, does the wx station console still dislpay "PC" after the time "window"? Mine does not. When the connection is "live" my console displays "PC" after the time window, but after a PC reboot that disappares. It comes back again after I resync to the computer.
Since I run a lot of other things on my server, the reboot process is fairly lengthy, maybe up to 3-5 min between Windows 7 shut down, until heavy weather starts again after the reboot. Maybe thats the reason it wont reconnect?
I have my weather p.c. setup so Heavyweather and the web uploader program (WuHu) is in the auto start section so if the p.c. reboots then everything comes back up on it's own. I remember that the station console needed to be resync'd manually with the original HeavyWeather software version but with the latest (v.1.3 for the 2810) it now sync's on it's own. After a reboot and everything settles down I notice the sync is good. The "PC" indicator on the console is only there when the connection is made initially and may go away some time after the HeavyWeather program is minimized on the P.C. but the connection is still there. That's the way it works here anyway. Not sure with the differences with your 2812 and v.1.5 software though. Maybe send LaCrosse support an email?
I found out that is does reconnect automaticly most of the time, but I have to wait 15-20 min before it will...
So it kind of works...
Thanks for the help!
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