General Weather/Earth Sciences Topics > Other Weather Topics

Changing barometer and human behavior

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--- Quote from: DanS on November 07, 2009, 08:24:52 AM ---I think Chief-David should get the Nobel Prize for maintaining his sanity.  =D&gt; Just reading from this thread my barometer (blood pressure) is rising.

--- End quote ---

That is a very good point!   :!:

Good morning.

Thanks for the nomination

It is going to be a good day

A very good theory, perhaps you can get some stimulus money to further your research..

Here is a hint...
Don't make DanS angry, you would not like him when he is angry.

Ask anyone who lives where there are chinooks.

I have heard chinooks and Santa Anna winds make people feel uncomfortable too.

The pressure just started to drop here.  time will tell. 
Closely watching my kids.


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