Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations

Vue ISS T/H board swap


I have two defective Vue ISSs.  One has a bad Supercap and the other has a bad T/H sensor.  I want to swap the T/H sensor from the bad Supercap ISS and install it in the one with the bad T/H board.

Here are part numbers I found:
Bad Supercap:
T/H board has 2012 stamped on it
Part number 7345.405
Assembly #7315.249B
Assembly board #7315.297
Assembly #7345.916
Wire colors: Rd, Or, Ye, Grn, Ble, Bk, Wt
Bad T/H :
T/H board has 2016 stamped on it
Part number #7345.405
Assembly # 7315.???  covered with potting material
Assembly # 07345.916   
Wire colors:  Or, Ye, Ble, Grn, Wt, Bk
I can cut the cable , splice in the sensor and cover it with heat shrink, not a problem.
What I don’t understand is that one has 6 wires and the other has 7 wires and both have the same part number.   Also what is the color code conversion between the two sensors?  Everything is potted which makes it impossible to check the boards.


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