Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations

ISM / ISS transmitter - differences 6162EU/6322OV?

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I just had to replace a (suspected) faulty ISM / ISS transmitter. I swapped product # 6162EU, mfg. code A120531P052D with product # 6322OV, mfg. code AO150105058. Any significant differences to be aware of between these two?

Opening the ISM / ISS transmitter (6162EU), looking for obvious failures (none found), I came across component TH21. Out of curiosity - any idea what it is?

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The SIM board is identical between EU and OV versions. If the ISS was supplied as part of a complete station it would be labelled EU (to denote EU frequencies AND an EU styles mains adapter for the console) while supply of the ISS alone would be marked OV (EU and the global default frequencies but obviously no mains adapter needed for ISS alone). Something labelled OV is suitable for sale worldwide for any region using those global frequencies, whereas something labelled EU is intended for regions using EU style mains sockets.

Since the SIM boards have been on production for many years there have inevitably been some component changes over that time eg due to supply and cost factors. So if you spot a component change then it will be a production change from different production batches.

No real idea what that component is, but at a guess something labelled TH might well be a thermistor, perhaps to help stabilise the frequency.

Thanks, @johnd.

I didn't care to open the ISM / ISS transmitter shielding to look for differences, the in-situ replacement took place in -10C and I just wanted to get the job done ASAP. Just noted the different part numbers. All working OK now.

That said, the failed ISM / ISS transmitter has been working flawlessly for 12 years. I'll give it a proper rest and a cleanup to see if it can be brought back to life. 

Not common for ISS boards to fail, capacitance yes but not essential, connectors need a bit of maintenance if exposed to the elements including the issues with the ISS enclosure back shell and solar door cover otherwise almost bullet proof   

Looks like a thermistor for measuring temperature?


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