Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations
Weatherlink forecast
Davis 6153:
The weather forecasts we see on the Weatherlink application generated by our weather stations or are they generated by some third-party meteorological site and then uploaded to Weatherlink ? #-o
--- Quote from: Davis 6153 on January 03, 2025, 11:01:57 AM ---The weather forecasts we see on the Weatherlink application generated by our weather stations or are they generated by some third-party meteorological site and then uploaded to Weatherlink ? #-o
--- End quote ---
Which Weatherlink app? In general:
* The legacy Weatherlink for Windows program generates its own forecast.
* Forecasts on apps linked to (eg appearing on the 6313 console) are in general imported from a third party global model
Davis 6153:
Yes i was thinking about it too because I notice that many times the weather forecasts do not correspond at all or change very quickly and the expected temperatures indicated on weatherlink are completely wrong ](*,)
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