Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations

Davis 6410 Anemometer/Vane Arm replacement

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Overnight a tree branch must have come down and bent down the arm that my Davis 6410 anemometer/vane is mounted on (photo below).

Working on the assumption that the arm will snap off when I attempt to bend it back up, is it possible to purchase and install a replacement arm or is it necessary to replace the entire unit?

The arm is available separately, part 7388.008 for 2013 or later anemometers. I only know UK suppliers but I'm sure you'll have plenty to choose from at your location.

Thank you very much for that suggestion.

I have found only one (1) U.S. retailer that offers that item (and I have purchased the arm from them).

Even Davis themselves offered only the advice that "most people replace the entire head". When later informed of the part number, said, well, yeah, we could do that".

Trying to look on the positive side, I'm assuming there are real reasons they don't offer the separate part anymore, aside from wishing to make a much larger sale. Installation difficulty, damage to other parts of the unit, that sort of thing. I guess I'll find out!   :grin:

It can be tricky to fish the cable out. Has some plastic plugs at the ends of tube.

I forget if the connector went through or if I just crimped on a new one.


--- Quote from: Ladd on January 03, 2025, 09:01:41 AM ---Even Davis themselves offered only the advice that "most people replace the entire head". When later informed of the part number, said, well, yeah, we could do that".

Trying to look on the positive side, I'm assuming there are real reasons they don't offer the separate part anymore, aside from wishing to make a much larger sale. Installation difficulty, damage to other parts of the unit, that sort of thing. I guess I'll find out!   :grin:

--- End quote ---

If you think about it, there are scores of individual components on each sensor assembly, including individual screws, washers etc etc. Every single component has a Davis part number but it's just not practical or cost-effective for Davis (or indeed most dealers) to offer all these individual parts on their retail price list. The standard spares list is limited to those items that either wear or get regularly damaged by users or bad weather. The anemometer arm is not one such part - in 20+ years as a Davis dealer I cannot recall a single request for a replacement arm.


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