Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations

Incorrect temperature value


Davis 6153:
I recently installed a Davis 6153 in my garden and i am noticing that the value indicated on the perceived temperature console is always identical to the external temperature value. I compared my values ​​with some Davis near me and the external temperature is correct while the perceived temperature is always wrong   #-o
Is it possible that I have a faulty sensor ?  :roll:

Central Maine Weather:

--- Quote from: Davis 6153 on January 01, 2025, 02:27:53 PM ---I recently installed a Davis 6153 in my garden and i am noticing that the value indicated on the perceived temperature console is always identical to the external temperature value. I compared my values ​​with some Davis near me and the external temperature is correct while the perceived temperature is always wrong   #-o
Is it possible that I have a faulty sensor ?  :roll:

--- End quote ---
What do you mean by "perceived temperature console". I guess I'm a bit confused by what your saying here. Is the unit new or old? I always recommend being careful when comparing to other Davis sensors "near" you because conditions can vary pretty significantly for many reasons even across short distances (microclimate effect, mounting location, elevation, etc.). You also say the perceived temperature console is identical to the external temp value, and then say when comparing to others the external is correct. Since they are both identical, wouldn't this mean the perceived should be correct as well?
Again, I think I'm just a bit confused by what you're referring to here when you say 'perceived temperature console' and 'external temperature value'.

Davis 6153:
Thanks for your reply, the weather station is new, perhaps I expressed myself badly, I apologize. Let me try to give an example, at the moment the 3 weather stations a few miles away from mine are showing 37°F (ambient temperature) while 23°F (perceived temperature) my weather station always indicates the correct ambient temperature, which is currently 37 ºF while the perceived temperature is 37 ºF This is why I began to suspect that my sensor had some problem   :roll:

Central Maine Weather:

--- Quote from: Davis 6153 on January 01, 2025, 03:49:55 PM ---Thanks for your reply, the weather station is new, perhaps I expressed myself badly, I apologize. Let me try to give an example, at the moment the 3 weather stations a few miles away from mine are showing 37°F (ambient temperature) while 23°F (perceived temperature) my weather station always indicates the correct ambient temperature, which is currently 37 ºF while the perceived temperature is 37 ºF This is why I began to suspect that my sensor had some problem   :roll:

--- End quote ---
Ok. I think I get what you're saying  ;) Would you be willing to share a link to your weather station if it is uploading data online (like to Weather Underground or something similar so I can take a look)?
So it sounds to me like the actual temperature reading you are seeing on your station matches other Davis Stations you see in your area (ex. currently 37°F). That to me, and the fact that you station is new indicates to me there are no issues with the sensor. I believe the perceived temperature you are referring to is also referred to as a 'Feels Like' temperature, which is exactly as it sounds. It is what the temperature actually feels like. This value is a calculated value and takes into consideration wind speed, current humidity, etc. So your actual temperature (ambient temperature) currently is 37°F, and your station shows the same perceived temperature probably because the wind isn't strong enough to create a 'Wind chill' so to speak to show a lower perceived temperature. The other stations you are comparing to may have their anemometer's mounted up higher or in a more open area and therefor they may have higher wind speeds which leads to lower wind chills (perceived temperature).

So for example, your station shows...
Ambient Temp = 37°F
Wind Speed At Your Anemometer in the Garden = <5MPH
Perceived Temp = 37°F

Other stations nearby show...
Ambient Temp = 37°F
Wind Speed At Others Stations Nearby= 20-30MPH
Perceived Temp = 23°F

I think this is what your talking about and seeing when comparing. I'd be curious to see what your wind readings look like compared to these other stations you're comparing to. I'd be willing to bet they are reporting higher wind speeds than your station is, hence the lower perceived temperature values. Again though, this doesn't mean you have a faulty sensor, it just might mean your station isn't mounted in an area that is as exposed as the stations you are comparing to are.
Hope this helps!  :-)

I think by perceived temperature you probably mean a feels-like temperature like wind chill or THSW??? There are several options for calculating and displaying such temperatures. If, for example, the wind speed is low then there's not going to be much wind chill (unless the temperature is also very low). So you need to be careful to compare like with like.


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