Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations
Vantage Pro Console with Vantage Vue ?
Hello, I installed my new Vantage pro. it's working perfect .. The question I have, my older vantage pro 2 is working some, temp works but humidity readings jump around so not working properly. I need a new solar panel and it does have the old rain gauge. not sure if I want to spend the money to fix or maybe buy the Vantage Vue...the question is ...I like my weather link on the PC and my old console works, will the new Vue work with my existing Weather link 6.0.0 exe ? maybe crazy but I would like using the old equipment.
Thank You,
Happy New Year !
By "New Vantage Pro" do you mean Pro2? (I assume that this is the case)
I think that you are saying that you have two Pro2 ISS outdoors, is that what you have?
If so, they need to have different station identifiers in their respective ISS transmitters. Having two ISS on the same transmitter ID (as set by the DIP switches in the ISS) will cause all kinds of problems. You can only view data in a given console from one ISS. (in general, there are workarounds to this, but I won't "go there")
You could set one console to the first ISS and the other to the newer one.
For your other question, the VUE console and VP2 consoles can work and receive the ISS signal. I have several VP2 and VUE consoles (and the new 6313) all working in my location.
Greg H.
My older console says Vantage pro 2, it has the yellow screen and I use the usb data logger. and yes I did change channels " had issues with that but all is well now " so the one on old one works with the data link on the PC and the new works on the new console and WI-FI on the pc. by the time I buy the parts needed that why I thought about the Vantage Vue ..just want to make sure it would work with my older indoor equipment.
The other issue not sure I have something set up wrong, but on the old data logger on the pc shows real time data, wind and direction all the time Weatherlink 6.0...On the new wi-fi from the new console on the PC you have to refresh to see if the wind speed changes....don't like that !
Thanks For the response,
Just to confirm further? You have an old(er) VP2 ISS that is having some problems and you have used a VP2 console+USB logger+WleaterLinkPC 6.0.0 up until this time. You now have a new Weatherlink 6313 console (color one)?
You want to replace the VP2 ISS with a Vantage Vue ISS? If so then no problems old VP2 console+USB and new 6313 console will work with that.
Can't offer anything positive in regard the 6313.
Yes I have a New Vantage Pro 2 up and running with the new screen that's working separate channel. I like the other screen with the data logger on my pc..right now I have both working, The new unit I have the console and the wi-fi and I'm not really crazy about the wi-fi on the pc in order to update wind speed you have to refresh.... My older Vantage Pro 2 some things work some don't, rain gauge is older design, humidity not working...#'s all over the place and my solar panel still works but not sure for how long, it's pretty beat. I would like to use my old console with the data logger. I really don't think putting money into the old and for the price of parts the Vantage Vue could be a nice back-up. Not sure how good the Vue is . I think my older Pro has to be 15 years old, so it is a tough unit..still deciding what to do.
Thanks for your response,
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