Weather Station Hardware > Ambient Weather and Ecowitt and other Fine Offset clones

AWN forum?

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Is there a forum for the Ambient Weather Network web site? Like there's one for WU.
I have some questions about the site but see no place to ask questions about it!
Googled with no luck.
If not....can I ask here? Or would this be considered off topic?

I think it would be fine to ask in here.

Depending on question of course :)

Hello Rover,

I'll get a bunch of questions going.
Just got in from continuing construction on a new mast for the sensor.
Old dude here :lol:
Thanks for the reply

Well, lets try this......

* Dashboard_Tiles:
.Can I move tiles around to where I want?
.arrow under tiles, no pop up tool tip. What does this do? I do not click on things without knowing what it is :lol: And how to undo it.
.Just to say, I do understand the other widgets.

* Graphs & Tablets:
."Specific Date" setting...Make this setting permanent? Other than "Date Range".

* Map
. Radar_ set resolution? Set speed?
. Wind_set resolution? Set speed?

Would like to do this:
Enter Gift code for 1 Year FREE annual subscription
Where do I get this code?
Last image/widget on the page!!!!

That should do for now :lol:

Thanks for any here [tup]

1. welcome here in the forum
2. please hae a look into our WiKi - the AWN dashboard is described there - maybe not in completeness yet but already quite some information is available:
we want to cover all aspects of the Fine Offset product world including Ambient here
3. Ambient plays a special role in the Fine Offset universe as they have set up certain restrictions for their "galaxy"
4. your questions
4.1 moving tiles - as far as I know - is not possible - you can change the view (maximize) but tthat's it. Maximizing one tile will move it to the top and going back to the original size will bring it back to the original position
4.2 mini-icons, arrows etc. - should (could) be self-explanatory +=maximize, -=minimize (hide, go to bottom), "arrow" (meant be a chart symbol)= go to the graphs
with the mouse hovering/resting on the symbol, some explanatory text should appear
if you are completely messed up, restart the dashboard again  ;)
4.3 set a range permanently (not that I know, apart from the actual day)
4.4 map - if by resolution you mean how to zoom in or out, use the mouse wheel
4.5 gift code - no idea - maybe a Google search will help


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