Weather Station Hardware > Davis Instruments Weather Stations
Weatherlink console - intermittent loss of outdoor temperature / humidity
I have a new Vantage Pro 2 weather station with both a new Weatherlink console and a legacy Vantage Pro 2 console. I kept the Vantage Pro 2 console from my previous setup, and use both in different rooms of my house.
I noticed that the outdoor temperature and humidity sometimes do not display on the Weatherlink console. A dashed line appears instead. These values continue to update and display on the Vantage Pro 2 console however. After a short time, the Weatherlink console starts displaying these again.
What would cause this? I don't think it's an issue with the outdoor unit, because the old console still receives and displays these parameters.
So only outside Temp/Humidity not showing at times on the new Weatherlink console, Wind speed/direction (& rain) are 100% across both displays?
Is there any specific or consistent times this occurs? What is the proximity/distance of the new display compared to the VP2 console? However if it is signal/distance related then one would expect no reception across all sensors?
Yes, just the outside temperature and humidity go away. Outside wind speed and rain continue to display.
The old Vantage Pro 2 console is actually located further away from the outdoor unit compared to the Weatherlink console.
Have you checked the console diagnostic screen to see what the reception is like? The old console is detailed here.
I'd be surprised if the new style console doesn't have something similar?
Edit: device information screen on newer console.
I don't think that signal reception is the issue. If it were a signal issue, the wind speed and direction would also be lost. I'm seeing those fine. Just the outsite temperature and humidity intermittently aren't being dispayed.
The old Vantage Pro 2 console is actually located further away from the outdoor unit compared to the Weatherlink console.
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