Weather Station Hardware > What Weather Station Should I Buy?
Replace La Crosse V15-AU
Hi Brains Trust,
First post - so thank you in advance for your information. I've had a look through the forum already but haven't found an answer so here we are.
Looking to replace my La Crosse V15AU - I have had enough of it's constant connects and disconnects to my Wi-Fi.
I am looking for the following:
1) Needs a console - so I can glance at it to see temperature and humidity 30 or 40 times a day to fulfill my inner geek without getting my phone out all the time
2) Only really needs temperature and humidity. It rarely rains here in Perth and the wind usually only blows in 2 directions
3) Has to connect to WiFi so I can fulfill my inner geek at work. The WiFi needs to be "good" - no more La Crosse games thanks
4) Probably less than $200 AUD worth - the amazon sales at the moment look good for items such as Ecowitt
Bouns points for:
5) Intergration with smart homes - my aircon isn't smart yet, but I am reading to it nightly to see if it will learn
6) If the weather station will pick up other 915 Mhz sensors - I've got a couple of the La Crosse LTV-TH5i sensors that I would like to use
I like the look of the Ecowitt devices, I can't find much negative information on them. Not until I buy one and go looking and find heaps, but I've resolved myself to that scenario with other purchases. They do seem to have more than I need - but I don't mind that really.
Thanks all - I look forward to getting my weather on in here.
All the Ecowitt consoles (including gateways without screens) have built-in Temperature & humidity, so one option would be JUST a console such as this:
MY CHOICE for an inexpensive gateway would be the GW1200, but it does NOT have a display:
However, if you have an older / obsolete WiFi tablet hanging around, you can use that as a dedicated display if you wish -- and that is effectively free.
Note you COULD save a few bucks by buying a GW1100 instead of a GW1200, but the price difference is small and the GW1200 offers IoT capability that perhaps may be useful to you later.
Thank you Graham,
The WS3800 looks like a good device - simple yet connected.
Do you know if the Ecowitt devices can connect to other 915Mhz sensors? I can't find any information in the manuals or online.
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