Weather Related Organizations > CWOP Forum

Problem connecting with CWOP

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Hello this is Terry. This is my first time using a discussion forum of any kind.
Resonantly I purchased a Davis Vantage Pro2.
A couple of weeks ago I obtain a CWOP I/D number (GW5475) and followed the instructions in the CWOP email. Unfortunately I have not been able to contact to CWOP/Findu.
I called Davis tech support, they checked and said that everything on their side is working.
Is there something I can or should do to get CWPO/Findu to receive my data?

Try this?

After that, I have no clue without using a different software. Upload to a third-party site

You can add your data to a third-party site, such as CWOP or Weather Underground. To do this click Share & Uploads, then choose Upload, Add Upload. If you have a free basic account, your data will be automatically uploaded to that site every 15 minutes. If you have upgraded to a Pro or Pro+, you can choose more frequent uploads.

Thank you for your response.
I had already obtained a CWOP I/D number, and listed it on the Davis WeatherLink.
As mentioned above, Davis tech. support told my that the data is being sent out to GWOP.  Unfortunately CWOP is not receiving the data.

Sorry maybe a dumb question.
What software are you using to [try] uploading to CWOP?
Also, how did Davis verify that your data was being uploaded?  Looking at it shows no data.

If your CWOP ID is correct it should be as simple as:

How to upload to CWOP
Go to
Fill out the registration form and click send
Receive citizen weather account number, this is your CWOP ID
Enter CWOP ID on CWOP upload form, passcode not necessary
--- End code ---

Like Otis, I have not yet been able to find that GW5475 (G5475) is a valid ID.
It is not yet showing on



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