Weather Software > VP Tools (Virtual VP, VP Live, and VP Tools)
Running WeatherLink and Cumulus Mx
Is it a paying software that VSEP? Also if I decided to go that way could anyone assist with the setup?
Garth Bock:
@broadstairs - No it doesn't support the Loop 2 command and won't work with the Davis 'Green Dot' logger. I am not going to go into a long tech detail on the Green Dot logger. However, it works fine with the older USB and Serial Loggers as well as third party loggers including the DIY Logger and WifiLogger at Scaled Instruments. So there are less expensive and fully functioning options available to Davis owners.
Garth Bock:
--- Quote from: raul_sbd on October 08, 2024, 10:38:12 AM ---Is it a paying software that VSEP? Also if I decided to go that way could anyone assist with the setup?
--- End quote ---
You have to purchase a one time license for VSPE (Virtual Serial Port Emulator) from for $24.95.
What about VirtualVp is that another option? If so can someone throw some guidance on it?
Garth Bock:
--- Quote from: raul_sbd on October 08, 2024, 11:46:35 AM ---What about VirtualVp is that another option? If so can someone throw some guidance on it?
--- End quote ---
You have to have the Virtual Serial Port Emulator software( $24.95 ) if you choose to use VVPro (Virtual Vantage Pro or VirtualVp). VVPro is now free. As I understand it VVPro prevents data loss or traffic problems between programs and also provides TCIP connections as well. I am not sure if just running a serial port emulator would work without problems. If you are looking for a free solution, I am not aware of one. Here are some screen shots of my setup. If you notice I am running 6 weather programs.
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