Weather Software > VP Tools (Virtual VP, VP Live, and VP Tools)
Running WeatherLink and Cumulus Mx
I use VPSE (unregistered free version) to "split" COM4 to create COM10. I setup WL and WD to connect to COM10. Startup sequence is important. I start WL bulletin first, allow it to capture records and go to the normal WL screen. I then run WD but note that it will fail to import missed data. If getting missed data is needed then run WD first, collect the missed data, then shutdown WD and start WL. Once both are up and running I have not had any issues with running them.
Garth Bock:
As I understand if you only run VPSE there is a chance of conflicts between programs with the possibility of dropped data and retries that slows everything down. Long ago someone here tried using a serial port splitter on the serial datalogger and had problems like that.
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