Weather Station Hardware > Barani Design Weather Stations and Accessories

Test/Evaluation Barani and Co

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Here, you can see my favourite Portuguese playground, with no radiation and strictly identical sensors to determine the speed of a shelter.
The night-time yo-yo is dictated by the wind.

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After a delay, a MeteoRain IoT will be installed in Belgium.
So will a Pro3 and a FARS (second version).
The FARS will be in Belgium for a short time before being placed in Portugal in November.
The Portuguese FARS will be sent to Barani for updating and then returned to Belgium.
As for the sensors, they'll initially be SHT35s, followed by SHT45s, which I plan to test on my home-made support.
I'm not giving up hope of fitting SHT45s with a Sensirion PTFE membrane.

Here's an update, with a few delays and changes for various reasons.
1/ MeteoRain IoT: this is the new version, with a direct-reading SPIEA as the control instrument.
2/ Shelters: a Pro3 and a new version of FARS will initially be fitted with 'simple' bare SHT35s. I'm going to modify my SHT45s with another model of SHT45, which I think will be an excellent development and guarantee the same reliability as the SHTs with filters but without their disadvantages. At the moment I'm looking for a supplier.
A meteobridge will be used as a datalogger at one-minute intervals. A simple WS68 mounted slightly above the shelters. The aim is not to have WMO-compliant wind/radiation but to know exactly the wind/radiation values at the height of the shelters.
I should point out that I'm financing everything out of my own pocket, only the 3 Barani instruments are on loan.
I don't despair of adding other shelters, the aim being to compare two different environments and not to 'prove' that x is better than y. So for each modification, I need two shelters. The Comet is too expensive and too specific to install in Belgium. The Rad14 perhaps.
This dual installation has a number of advantages if you get out of your established habits.

Those who have already seen FARS will be able to see the changes immediately.

I've dismantled part of it and you can clearly see the changes in the tube compared to the first one.
RPM monitoring possible.


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