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Moving to another home.

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I am in the process of moving to another home. I am moving less than a mile from my current weather station/home location. My weather station will be offline for some time. This is the first time in 16 years my weather station will be offline for more than a week. It seems weird not to be able to go to my website and get the current weather for our location, my wife is missing the info also. I guess we are spoiled.  :-)

I am a member of CWOP Station CW6839 and Weather Underground Station KNYCLAY2.
My concern here is what will happen when I am offline for 1 to 2 months? Do I need to notify these organizations?


I would say no. You may get notifications that you are not sending, but I would not worry about it unless they say they will delete you. Then you can make a new account.
It is less than a mile. Just change your location info.

Good luck on the move. Moving away from the pre-Micron buildout, noise and traffic?

I'm contemplating moving next year (if the market improves) also. Next year will be 19 years reporting here for me.
And like you, i'd miss my station data during the move too!



--- Quote from: tshattuck on September 13, 2023, 09:33:08 PM ---Hello:
I am in the process of moving to another home. I am moving less than a mile from my current weather station/home location. My weather station will be offline for some time. This is the first time in 16 years my weather station will be offline for more than a week. It seems weird not to be able to go to my website and get the current weather for our location, my wife is missing the info also. I guess we are spoiled.  :-)

I am a member of CWOP Station CW6839 and Weather Underground Station KNYCLAY2.
My concern here is what will happen when I am offline for 1 to 2 months? Do I need to notify these organizations?


--- End quote ---
If you stop sending data they can legally come and take your weather station. :-P
Just kidding. :lol:
I have been down before because of power outages (hurricanes) and broken equipment. Not a big deal. Your accounts do not go away and they will be waiting for you when you get back up running again.
I do have one question. Do you plan on keeping all your archive data. It's a new place so it's not exactly like your old one. Some parameters may change slightly.
Reason I ask is I may be doing the same. Although my move would about a half mile. I have almost 20 years of data. I would be hard pressed to give that up. Not physically give it up but I really couldn't apply it to the new location.   

Greetings from The CSRA!  I am a NWS Cooperative Observer for my local NWS Weather Forecast Office (WFO), KCAE (Columbia, SC).  By National Weather Service Cooperative standards, if you move within a 5 mile radius of your original location, that would be acceptable.  I moved back in August 2022, 3.9 miles East of my old residence.  My Observing Program Leader (OPL) said NO PROBLEM!   I would keep all archives the same and update your new weather station location data.


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