Administration > WXForum Bugs/Suggestions

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Garth Bock:
Once again someone has posted some kind of deal they arranged on a weather station. It comes off as a sales ad and only leaves the question of what kickback are they getting? This happened last year when someone posted a new station they bought and then it turned into a " you can buy it from my Amazon Store " kind of promotion. The station was a Chinese knockoff junk.

Should ads be allowed here ? I am not talking about the personal for sale stuff but from sellers masquerading as members. Or would you rather have a forum to discuss the weather and stations and not be assaulted by ads ? If ads are allowed then Davis , Accurite, Ecowitt, Scaled Instruments and others should should have posts here too. Is this a floodgate that you want opened ?

I moved this topic to the Forum Bugs/Suggestions board for better visibility.

Folks are free to post personal for-sale/wanted about weather station equipment in the For Sale/Wanted area .. the guide is for 'personal' not 'commercial' sales.

We (WXForum admins) don't offer Ads or popups and never will offer them as we do not need 'ad revenue' for our ongoing operational expenses and we find such stuff very distracting and annoying.

The post in question seems to be a bump on a year-old thread wherein a discount code was offered.  It does push the bounds of what is allowed as it appears to be a commercial (not personal) offer, so I've removed it.  Thanks for your vigilance.

Garth Bock:
Thanks !


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