Weather Software > Station Software Development
Ambient Weather Android Widget APP
I missed having a widget for the Ambient Weather data.
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AW Widget app for Android 1.5
LAST UPDATE: 2020-11-05 (13:28:43)
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It's pretty tricky to test Android Widgets so any feedback would be very helpful.
Installed on my one year old Samsung 8 inch tablet it crashes as soon as it finds station.
SM-T387W Tab.
Android 10.
I will try on phone. I can give you more info. What might interest you?
Logged onto Discord
Live for an hour or two
Same result on phone
--- Quote from: davidmc36 on October 30, 2020, 05:31:23 PM ---Installed on my one year old Samsung 8 inch tablet it crashes as soon as it finds station.
SM-T387W Tab.
Android 10.
I will try on phone. I can give you more info. What might interest you?
--- End quote ---
Thanks for taking the time to download and test the app.
nerd notes:
I could have skipped some validation since I wrote the JSON parsing before Ambient Weather moved the station location and the station name arond .
Should be a pretty easy troubleshoot.
Feel free to share the APIKey used to configure the app here or I suggest a private message on telegram or discord.
Seem Ambient Weather return (at least?) 2 different JSON. Not sure why don't return a model or version field or at least return the same fields?
--- Code: ---[{ [{
"macAddress":"cheeroip MAC" "macAddress":"davidmc36 MAC",
"lastData": { "lastData":{
"dateutc":1599930600000, "dateutc":1604248440000,
"winddir":358, "winddir":143,
"windspeedmph":0.9, "windspeedmph":6.9,
"windgustmph":1.1, "windgustmph":21,
"maxdailygust":8.1, "maxdailygust":21,
"tempf":79.3, "windgustdir":205,
"hourlyrainin":0, "winddir_avg2m":204,
"dailyrainin":0, "windspdmph_avg2m":6.9,
"weeklyrainin":0.22, "winddir_avg10m":185,
"monthlyrainin":0.22, "windspdmph_avg10m":6.5,
"totalrainin":85.44, "tempf":47.7,
"baromrelin":30.02, "humidity":73,
"baromabsin":29.42, "baromrelin":29.67,
"humidity":85, "baromabsin":29.39,
"tempinf":78.4, "tempinf":72,
"humidityin":51, "humidityin":45,
"uv":1, "hourlyrainin":0,
"solarradiation":166.5, "dailyrainin":0,
"feelsLike":80.93, "monthlyrainin":0,
"dewPoint":74.39, "yearlyrainin":18.97,
"feelsLikein":78.3, "battin":0,
"dewPointin":58.8, "battout":0,
"lastRain":"2020-09-10T08:59:00.000Z", "feelsLike":44.47,
"tz":"America/New_York", "dewPoint":39.48,
"date":"2020-09-12T17:10:00.000Z" "feelsLikein":71,
} "dewPointin":49.5,
... "lastRain":"2020-10-27T15:32:00.000Z",
... "tz":"America/Toronto",
--- End code ---
Specifically I was expecting the <weeklyrainin> field missing in davidmc36 JSON.
I wonder if they will ever return those battery values? they seem interesting.
Ideally an application should never crash on receiving unexpected data but problem solving on the field and in emergency mode is just more fun, I'm a big fan of the "happy little accidents school and I like sharing the process with my customers/users.
I philosophically prefer an application crash than showing wrong data.
Thanks to davidmc36 for the feedback.
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