Weather Related Organizations > GLOBE Program
average or max of last 15 mins for Davis upload?
So, I got data upload via email working from my Meteobridge Nano SD. I messed up the wind direction by sending the degrees and not the 3 letter cardinal direction, so it was rejected for that reason alone. When entering in the converter for direction however, it got me thinking about the specifics of the rest of the data. I have been unable to find out in the documents if they want the max or average for several of the measurements.
--- Quote from: documentation ---Field1: DAVAD
Field2: School ID
Field3: Site Type and Number ( Currently only defined Atmosphere Sites accepted ) ( ATM-dd ) -OR- SITE_ID:12345 format (refer to "General Format for Measurements")
Field4: Date and Time of Measurement ( UT ) ( YYYYMMDDHHmm )
Field5: Temperature (degrees Celsius)
Field6: Relative Humidity ( % or "M" for suspect data )
Field7: Average Wind Speed ( meters/second or "M" for suspect data )
Field8: Average Wind Direction ( up to 3 level compass direction e.g. N or NNE or NE or "M" for suspect data. )
Field9: Maximum Wind Speed ( meters/second or "M" for suspect data )
Field10: [IGNORED-NO LONGER USED] Maximum Wind Direction ( compass direction or "M" for suspect data, X=Placeholder for Unused Field )
Field11: [IGNORED-NO LONGER USED] Wind Run ( kilometers or "M" for suspect data, X=Placeholder for Unused Field )
Field12: Rainfall ( millimeters or "M" for suspect data)
Field13: Rainfall Rate ( millimeters per hour or "M" for suspect data )
Field14: Sea Level Pressure ( mbar or "M" for suspect data )
--- End quote ---
Field5, Temp. Should this be the average of 15 minutes, or max of 15 minutes?
Field6, Humidity. Average of 15 minutes, or max of 15 minutes?
Field13, Rain Rate. Should it be the max or average instanteous mm per hour, or the literal amount of rain that has fallen in the past hour (WU's method)
Field14, Pressure. Should it be the max, average, or min?
The others quite literally say average or max for them, so no question about those.
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