Weather Station Hardware > Air Quality Sensors
Purple Air map question
Looking at the purple air map there is a solid inner circle and an outer ring. Some sensors in my area are reporting green inner circle with a red (or different color than inner) outer ring. Can anyone please explain what this means? I've attached a screenshot as an example. Sorry if this is explained somewhere else I didn't see any explanation on their website or FAQ.
Just doing a quick look it may be the Laser Temperature.
--- Quote from: Forever on August 10, 2018, 06:51:21 PM ---Just doing a quick look it may be the Laser Temperature.
--- End quote ---
Just to add a bit more info, in the screenshot I posted the sensors with the red rings are downwind of a large forest fire so I thought perhaps it had something to do with larger particle count or smoke? No idea...
Funny, I have a purple air sensor and I have not noticed the rings before. Maybe it is new or the air quality has been more stable. With the fires, the aq has been a bit unstable. I think it may be a trend indication. The outer ring is 24hrs ago working towards the center to the current reading. Maybe??
You'd be best to ask this question on PurpleAir's Facebook page. perhaps Adrian can answer that more specifically.
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