Weather Station Hardware > Air Quality Sensors

Make your own Purpleair

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I stumbled across this thread a few weeks ago and built three of them using the luftdaten . Two with SDS011 and one with PMS5003.

There is a PurpleAir a couple miles away, so I added it to the chart.
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Has anyone else built their own sensor?   I would of thought more people in North America would build one.


--- Quote from: blacklistedcard on April 09, 2023, 06:35:55 PM ---Has anyone else built their own sensor?   I would of thought more people in North America would build one.

--- End quote ---

I've got one of the AirGradient Pro DIY kits ( I'm hoping to build soon. Open-source, and a bit of an upgrade from the luftdataen (sensor.comunity) sensors

I really like the PCB design.   I'm thinking of adding the CO2 sensor to my unit that I built.


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