Weather Station Hardware > Air Quality Sensors
Make your own Purpleair
I cam across this article on Adafruit - it's about the Arduino and the same Plantower sensor Purpleair uses.
If you wanted to make a sh**-ton of these things, you could probably do it cheaper.
Here's the article:
--- Quote from: azchrisf on February 13, 2018, 08:20:56 AM ---I cam across this article on Adafruit - it's about the Arduino and the same Plantower sensor Purpleair uses.
If you wanted to make a sh**-ton of these things, you could probably do it cheaper.
Here's the article:
--- End quote ---
Or use this one, the "luftdaten" sensor, already hundreds of stations in Europe, how-to-build in multiple languages (sorry the English version is not the best one), Open-Data, Open-source of all scripts via Github.
One big map and multiple local = city wide maps such as Leuven or Brussels
In my home town of Leuven-Belgium they = the inhabitants, are rolling out a hundred of these sensors.
I have one on my own website also, on the home page a small expandable block and a full page at
The scripts used, look the same as for the Purpleair,check this user site and also the normal AQ scripts as used in the US at this demo site
The sensors plus arduino board cost less then 30 dollar and there is a shopping-list with links to the ali*** chiness site.
There are a few users in Northern America also. it is becoming quit a success here as multiple cities sponsor this development by organising how-to-build workshops a.s.o.
That's quite interesting.
Where are the script source? I'd love to look at them and see if they can improve the Purpleair one I released.
--- Quote from: azchrisf on February 13, 2018, 09:23:09 AM ---That's quite interesting.
Where are the script source? I'd love to look at them and see if they can improve the Purpleair one I released.
--- End quote --- ?
--- Quote from: wvdkuil on February 13, 2018, 09:13:58 AM ---Or use this one, the "luftdaten" sensor
--- End quote ---
Hi, can you supply link for the Hardware?
Is it this one: ?
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